
A Colorful UK Home Features the Neatest Wooden Apothecary Drawers in the Kitchen

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Credit:Stacey Dyer

Name:Stacey Dyer, my husband, and two children
Location:Suffolk, England
Type of home:Victorian end terrace house
Years lived in:6 years, owned

Credit:Stacey Dyer

Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there:We live in an Edwardian end terrace that was built in 1910. When we viewed the house for the first time we knew that it was for us even before we walked in the door. Since moving in, we have designed and decorated every room.

Credit:Stacey Dyer
Kitchen extension

We have also recently had a kitchen extra built during the COVID-19 crisis, which has made things more difficult during the process but we now are even more grateful for it. Since moving in we have had two children and love our family home that we have made.

Credit:Stacey Dyer
Oven/apothecary drawers

Our home is quite calm and relaxing but with pops of color, which is a true reflection of our personalities. The color theme is blues, greens, and grays with some color thrown in for fun.

Credit:Stacey Dyer
Main bedroom

Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less:Traditional. Colorful. Period. Bold.

Credit:Stacey Dyer

你最喜欢的房间是什么,为什么?It has to be our new kitchen. It took six months to plan and then six months to build (with a nine-week COVID break in the middle). This room has completely[improved]how we live and it really is the heart of the home.

Credit:Stacey Dyer

What’s the last thing you bought (or found!) for your home?The last thing we bought was the breakfast bar stools. It’s so nice to now have this space functioning better and the kids love sitting there eating their breakfast before school.

Credit:Stacey Dyer
Bathroom sink

Any advice for creating a home you love?和你一起去克ut and be brave. All of our bravest decisions have been our best ones!

This submission’s responses and photos were edited for length/size and clarity.

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