
A Cozy 350-Square-Foot Basement Rental Studio Was Furnished With Lots of NYC Street Finds

updatedOct 30, 2020
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Name:Sydney Callandsand my dog Ivy
Location:Upper West Side — New York City, New York
Type of home:Basement Brownstone Apartment
Size:350 square feet
Years lived in:1 year, renting

Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there:当我搬到一个新地方,我把很多thought into how I want to decorate because I like for my home to be my sanctuary. My home is my happy space and so cozy. My dog Ivy and I love sitting on our little sectional and dancing around the apartment to fun songs because we feel so comfortable and such amazing energy from the space.

I identify myself as a warm, free-spirited, and genuine individual. I believe my home reflects my personality perfectly. The neutral colors mixed with different textures, patterns, and plenty of greenery shows exactly who I am as a person.

Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less:Eclectic, cozy, bohemian, natural

你最喜欢的房间是什么,为什么?This is an easy answer because I live in a studio apartment, but it honestly feels so cozy. My favorite part of the apartment would have to be my rust-colored sectional. I love waking up in the morning, making a cup of coffee, and sitting on my couch to journal. It gives me amazing energy and such positive vibes.

What’s the last thing you bought (or found!) for your home?Honestly, a lot of what I have in my home is from the streets of NYC. There is this Instagram account calledStooping NYC, and I found a lot of amazing treasures on the street for free. I think this is what makes my apartment so special and unique—there are so many different items, yet everything came together perfectly.

My most recent treasure was a woven rattan chest at the end of my bed. I’m obsessed with all things rattan so this was the perfect find!

Any advice for creating a home you love?Don’t be afraid to think out of the box, build a Pinterest board, show your personality through your space, and make sure it is a comfortable, genuine, relaxing space in the end.

This submission’s responses and photos were edited for length/size and clarity.