
New & Unusual Places to Hang a Picture Frame

updatedMay 4, 2019
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(Image credit:Aimée Mazzenga)

Walls. Howboring, right? I mean,everybodyhangs their artwork on walls these days. You…youneed something different. Whether you have more art than walls or just an adventurous style and spirit, here are a handful of surfaces around your home that you might not have thought to hang a frame on.

(Image credit:Emily Billings)

Hang itonthe Bookshelf

Eclectic and unexpected, like in thisLos Angeles house. Use a sticky Command hook if you’d rather not put a nail into the furniture.

(Image credit:Bethany Nauert)


If you like your paintings better than your view, this is the solution for you, like in thisCalifornia studio.

(Image credit:Lauren Kolyn)

Hang it in the Fireplace

Decorate your non-working fireplace with beautiful artwork, like in thisToronto cottage. I love the idea of hanging a small print all the way at the back of the firebox, too.

(Image credit:Aimée Mazzenga)

Hang it on a Mirror

试挂一件艺术品a mirror, like in thisIllinois house.