
5 Things You’re Doing Right in Your Home

publishedOct 5, 2015
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(图片来源:Natalie Jeffcott)

Advice is often helpful, but sometimes, when we’re flooded with tips about what we should or could or need to do in our homes, we forget all the things that we’re doing right. Here’s to thinking not only about what you need to improve, but about what you’ve already got and what you’reacing. Obviously, everyone lives in his/her home differently, but here are some basic things that you’re probably getting right.

(图片来源:Georgi Ivanov)

1. You’re taking an interest in improvement.Just by reading this site, looking at inspiration pictures, and dreaming about how to create a home you love, you’re participating in an active process of making your life into what you want it to be. You’re also learning about yourself and expanding your horizons by judging which homes you like and by allowing yourself to be surprised by the homes of others.

(图片来源:Nancy Mitchell)

2.You’re taking it easy.Sometimes you’re too lazy to clean. Sometimes you’re too tired to host a party. That’s fine. A home is a refuge, not a perpetual work zone. Kudos for letting it comfort you.

(图片来源:Carolyn Purnell)

3. You’re keeping the things you love nearby.A home is much more than just a series of walls. A true sense of home is created by the objects within it. By this point, I’m sure we’ve all heard of the KonMari method, and if you’ve gotten down to the bare essentials of the objects that you love, then good for you. But even if you haven’t, you probably still have plenty of items at your disposal that you love. These items have the power to tell you stories about yourself and to bring memories, joys, and experiences back to life. Pat yourself on the back for creating a collection of things that matter to you, and enjoy!

(图片来源:Hayley Lawrence)

4. You’re spending time with others.For many people, home is filled with others: pets, partners, children, friends, and/or relatives. Time with others can give us joy, and there’s nothing like the intimacy of sharing time at home. Cooking for family members at holidays creates a loving bond, and watching movies on the couch with your significant other allows for snuggling. Going out with friends can be a lot of fun, but there seems to be some kind of deeper connection when we go to each others’ homes. Allowing your home to be a refuge, not only for you, but for others, creates a much richer experience of your home.

(图片来源:Sarita Relis Photography)

5. You’re having fun.Whether it’s fun with decor, fun with hobbies, or fun with others, chances are, your home is a place where you experience joy, growth, and playfulness. Even the most basic, builder-grade, boring, blank boxes can be spaces for fun. Embrace the lightheartedness that can come from fulfillment. It may be cooking, board games, yoga, or DIY projects that give you joy. Or it could be a night watching TV with your dog, a hug from your child, or a quiet moment alone. But whatever it is, embrace the fun that you experience in your time at home.