
The Things for Your Home You Really Will Care More About Eventually

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(图片来源:Adrienne Breaux)

There’s a lot of confusing things about adulthood that you probably feel like somebody should have let you in on–things like paying taxes or how exactly health insurance works. Eventually you find your way, and it pays off in more ways than just being able to read a 1040 form. Once you’ve been out in the world for a while you begin to develop a taste for the finer things in life–and your home life is all the richer for it.

The shopping strategy of a college student or new graduate is to seek the cheapest thing that works or fits. Then somewhere along the way, you begin to realize that, yeah, it’swaybetter to pay extra for the good sheets.

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Here are the 7 things that I definitely care more about as an adult (linked to good posts with more info on each):

Not that I’ve upgraded everything just yet–there is still a rollable IKEA mattress in my apartment. But we’re working on it…slowly. One sheet and towel at a time.

What’s on your list? Share your grown-up wisdom and tell us when and where it pays off to buy the good stuff.