
A Beast of a Kitchen Is Now a Blue Beauty

publishedFeb 1, 2018
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(图片来源:Erin Little Photo)

Name:Heidi Lachapelle, husband Louis, baby daughter Chloe
Location:Portland, Maine
Size:2,300 square feet
Years lived in:2.5 years, owned

This house is the SIXTH (and biggest) renovation project thatdesigner Heidi Lachapelleand her husband Louis have tackled together. The neighborhood — in Portland’s West End — is filled with mostly historic homes like brick townhouses and Victorian mansions. And when they got their hands on the house three years ago, it was a “perfectly preserved version of the previous renovation done in 1982.” Heidi describes the pre-renovation look as floral sheer curtains, brown wall-to-wall carpet and a blue kitchen sink. But, thanks to the couple’s design skills and ability to work together, the final result is quite lovely. “We’re still married, so I guess that means it was a success!”

(图片来源:Erin Little Photo)

“My husband and I did most of the work ourselves and collaborated with a local contractor on our kitchen. The kitchen was a beast of a project and it’s my favorite spot in the house. We completely relocated it and took over an old closet, bathroom and hallway for the space. We wanted a mix of traditional and modern elements to create a more eclectic overall look. We have marble countertops, brass finishes, and a modern Bertazzoni range, juxtaposed with an antique butcher block and vintage runner.”

(图片来源:Erin Little Photo)

“The rest of the house was fairly straightforward and our goal was to preserve as much of the original design as possible. The plaster crown molding in the dining room is just stunning. They don’t build houses like they used to.”

(图片来源:Erin Little Photo)

你最喜欢的房间是什么,为什么?The kitchen. It was such a labor of love and we had to do a lot of problem solving from a design perspective. The space we had to work with was a little atypical, so we wanted to make sure it was functional.

This is also the space that our friends and family hang out in when they’re over. It’s a warm and inviting space — more of a living room feel, which I love.

(图片来源:Erin Little Photo)

Any advice for creating a home you love?It takes time! You don’t need to buy everything at once. Sometimes you need to let the right pieces find you.

Thanks, Heidi!

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