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Afraid to Can? Try Freezer Jam

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06_14_10_jam2.jpgWhen last summer rolled around,we hopped on the canning bandwagon. Putting up fruits and veggies is a sure sign of summer—and of a bountiful harvest. Last week, when we found pints of organic blackberries for less than $3, we were ready to can. But we’re mid-move, so the kitchen was hardly ready to make homemade jam—or was it?

Knowing that we had not the time, energy, nor space at the moment to set up a full-fledged jam making session, we went on the hunt for a recipe that could make use of gobs of fresh summer berries at their peak.

Turns out, freezer jam is a great way to can without much of the hassle (and it saves energy to boot—double green points!).

To make it, you simply mix sugar and freezer jam pectin (available in the canning aisle at most large grocers) in a large bowl. Then, you crush your fresh berries. Mix them together with the sugar and pectin. Then carefully ladle the jam into clean jars, pop on some lids, and let sit at room temp for 30 minutes. Use immediately, or store in the fridge for three weeks or the freezer for up to a year.

For more in-depth instructions, clickhere.

How’s that? Homemade jam without cooking or canning. Freezer jam tastes almost as good as the real thing; we found that a spoonful mixed in with plain Greek yogurt hit the spot for an afternoon snack. The half-pint jars of jam make for great housewarming or thank-you gifts, too.

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(Image: Amber Byfield for Re-Nest)

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