Chef Ludo’s Magically Delicious Kitchen
(Image credit: Apartment Therapy) Ludo LeFebvre is the French-born chef and creator of the pop-up restaurant LudoBites, the hottest spot in Los Angeles. In anticipation of his new cookbook, we got a peek at his home kitchen. Take the tour with us and tell us if you notice a motif! • Ludo Kitchen Tour
Sep 20, 2012
Renovating: Finishing What You Start
As I renovate my home I am learning lots of interesting little things about the way I work. One lesson that is coming to the forefront as of late is finish what you start. • Finishing What You Start Apartment Therapy
Sep 20, 2012
Before & After: Typewriter Table Gets a Cartographic Makeover
Carrie obviously has better yard sale luck than most of us, as she was able to pick up this darling vintage typewriter table at a local sale for only $4 — an astonishing deal by any standard. When she bought it, Carrie already knew this table was getting a cartographic makeover.Carrie’s first step was priming the table, before covering it with white spray paint. After selecting three different maps, she modge-podged them to the three sections of the table top.
Sep 20, 2012
Quick History: The Parsons Table
The Parsons table is one where the square legs have the same width as the tabletop, regardless of its other dimensions. Its history is characterized by contradiction: created to be a simple canvas for exceptional materials, its design is simultaneously credited to the famous designer Jean-Michel Frank and to anonymous design students. But is the real story even more muddled?
Sep 20, 2012
How to Make Pita Bread at Home
(Image credit: Apartment Therapy) The pita bread you make at home is worlds apart from the stuff you buy in stores, and watching them puff to glorious heights in your oven or on your stovetop is culinary magic at its best. Here’s how to do it. It’s easy! • How To Make Pita Bread
Sep 20, 2012
A Closer Look at the Cherner Chair
The Cherner chair is elegant and graceful, with twists and curves reminiscent of ancient tree roots or undulating sand dunes. At the same time, it’s a technical masterpiece in furniture making. • The Cherner Chair Apartment Therapy
Sep 20, 2012