Angie Cho

The Better Broom & Dustpan
A broom and dustpan may seem like a simple thing, but adding a couple of smart features will make cleaning up a whole lot quicker and more pleasant. To create our list of better brooms, we looked for clever features like: a click-lock dustpan for no-touch dumping, feather-tip broom bristles to collect small particles, and a built-in comb to pull out hair and dust bunnies from the broom.
Oct 4, 2013
Skateboard Furniture & Accessories
Skateboards and skateboard art have made a big comeback in recent years. A trademark of relaxed southern California style, these skateboard decks will give spaces the look of easy cool. Ranging from benches, shelves and wall decor to even clocks and iPhone speakers, the products featured here are only a few examples of skateboard products handmade by artisans. Products #2 and #4 are notable because they are made of reclaimed skateboards, enhancing their handmade look.
Sep 20, 2013
Mini Might: Small Versions of Big Things
Recently, I purchased a compact portable dishwasher, and I feel like the clouds have parted and angels are singing. I never thought I had the space for a dishwasher, but this compact portable one (yes, it’s on wheels and is apartment friendly) not only fits, it gives me more counter space! This post is dedicated to small versions of big things that make life more convenient and enjoyable. Danby DDW1899WP 8 Place Setting Portable Dishwasher from Danby $399.
Mar 21, 2013
Small Space Solution: Over-the-Door Home Office Organizers & Storage
No space for a home office? No problem — use your door! Over-the-door pockets and baskets provide much needed space for documents, mail and office supplies. Combining two over-the-door organizers work even better for versatility and more storage.The over-the-door office in my home is composed of two Fabric Wall-Mount Magazine Organizers (Photo 1) hung side by side. Rather than using nails, try using small over-the-door hooks to prevent damaging the door.1.
Jan 25, 2013
Aah! Top 5 Natural Linen Sprays & Air Fresheners
Sometimes the air in my home needs a little freshening up. During temperate months, I simply open a window, but when cold weather threatens to chill my bones, I use linen or air freshening sprays.They’re so handy around the home, and work well on kid and pet odors, upholstery, linens and even clothing.
Jan 10, 2013
Small Bedroom Storage: 10 Over-the-Door Organizers Under $50
An organized home is incredibly gratifying. It allows tasks to get done more smoothly, cleaning completed more quickly, and projects processed more enjoyably. Plus, the tranquility and uncluttered emptiness of an organized home is a beauty all its own. These over-the-door storage products won’t tidy your entire home, but small organization projects are an encouraging way to start!
Aug 17, 2012
Creating a Buried Pot Garden
Creating a buried pot garden is a beautiful and easy way to ecoscape. Not only will your garden be extraordinarily charming and tidy, it’ll consume less water and energy. Sunken planter gardens like this one provide both form and function. The pots prevent your herbs or plants from overrunning their designated areas, and the mulch keeps unwanted weeds and pests at bay while consuming no water and energy.
Jun 29, 2012
Small Outdoor Kitchens
Small outdoor kitchens are as practical as they are fun. Cooking outdoors during the warm months of the year means we prevent heating up our homes and are smart about how we use energy. For this reason, many warm climate cultures use outdoor kitchens as their main cooking space. It’s also a whole lot of fun and doesn’t require a big budget or a ton of space to set one up.In addition, some of these inspirational outdoor kitchens have great eco-friendly features.
May 16, 2012
Sleep Soundly with Blackout Roller Shades
Blackout roller shades and blackout curtains set the standard for blocking light in the bedroom so you can sleep soundly. Although they each have their pros and cons, roller shades have some aesthetic advantages. They work best for small spaces and have a clean, minimalist look. They’re also great for people concerned with dust, allergens and indoor air quality.Roller shade features: Can be mounted outside or inside the window frame. Outside mounting blocks more light.
May 9, 2012
No Clutter: 5 Flip Top Mirror Storage Vanities
Vanity tables with flip top mirrors are the absolute best for effortless organization. Flip it up for quick access to makeup or accessories. Then flip it down to hide everything away! No one will ever know of the secret clutter within! Use the two side drawers to hold stationery or light office supplies, and the vanity doubles as a desk.Shown above from left to right:1. Narrow Leg Vanity, Lacquer, $349.00 from West Elm2. Linon Black Vanity Table and Bench, $233.97 from Comfort House3.
Apr 27, 2012
For the Cyclist Bibliophile: Bookbike Storage by Byografia
This product is the perfect thing for the person who loves both books and cycling, like Albert Einstein, the cycling professor. Whether you want to store books or simply store bike gear, like a helmet or basket, the Bookbike by Byografia makes bike storage more attractive, functional and easier to integrate into your home decor.Bookbike features:• Positionable at different heights.• Base is equipped with adjustable legs for stability.• Can be anchored to the wall.
Mar 16, 2012
Flip Frames Display Dozens of Photos in the Space of One!
照片和纪念品个性化你的家里,exhibiting the people you love and the places you’ve been. The hard part lies in deciding which photos to display! You don’t want to leave anyone out, but you also don’t want to clutter your space with too many picture frames.In the space of a single picture frame, you can display dozens of photos, flipping to a new page as the mood takes you. Flip photo frames come in a variety of colors and styles.
Feb 23, 2012
No Sweat! 5 Double-Wall Drink Tubs with No Wet Mess
In the past, drink tubs were best used for outdoor entertaining because massive amounts of condensation pooled water all over the table and floor. With these newer double-walled varieties, they work great indoors too. The insulation keeps them from “sweating.” Whether you call them drink tubs, party tubs, or beverage buckets, they keep your drinks colder longer and your floors dry.
Jan 13, 2012
Hot Tip! Coffee & Tea: A Coffee Maker Two-fer
Use this tip and you’ll save space, money and time. This tip is great for small spaces, but even if your kitchen is large enough to make Martha Stewart envious, owning fewer appliances means less to buy, less to clean, and less hassle to organize and store away. An added bonus? All of this translates into a convenient way of being a bit more eco-friendly…People who love tea swear by electric kettles because they boil water faster than conventional stovetop kettles.
Jan 11, 2012
Bedding Stains: Don’t Throw it Out. Dye it Out!
枕套,被套,床单,床上传播can all be ruined with a conspicuous stain. It’s unfortunate when perfectly good, intact bedding is cast away because of a spot here and there, or because of general dinginess. Rather than buying new, dye your bedding instead! It’s a great way to cover stains or update a color. Either way, it’ll prolong the life of something you already own and be cost effective to boot.
Jan 5, 2012
Alternative Energy: Solar, Wind, Even Human-Powered!
It’s amazing the difference one person can make in energy consumption by changing a couple of things in the home, or by changing a couple of ways of doing things. It’s so simple, and multiply that person by the hundreds that live in your neighborhood, and the energy difference would shock you.TOP ROW• 1 The Human-Powered Home (Electricity Need Not Apply)• 2 Solar Power Near You: One Nation Off The Grid!• 3 Retractable Screen Doors: Cool Your Space Without AC!
Dec 24, 2011
Variety is the spice of life, and these posts will inspire you to infuse your life with a bit of color! Don’t worry. No one’s asking you to change your home into a Katy Perry, candy-coated world. Choose a color or two that makes you feel good (beige is not allowed) and add a touch of it here and there.TOP ROW• 1 Give New Life to Old Furniture Using Color!
Dec 24, 2011
Hot & Steamy! Energy Efficient Cooking with Three Tier Steamers
One heat source cooks three different dishes! That’s energy efficient cooking. Preparing food using three tier steamers is quick and simple. Simply load up the different levels, turn on the heat and walk away, all on one burner. It’s also extremely versatile, so cooking for one is as easy as cooking for a small group. Because it uses only one burner, this is also a great tip for small kitchens.Boil the main portion of your meal on the bottom level.
Nov 8, 2011
We’re Calling It: Pachira Aquatica Is the Easiest Indoor Tree
If you’re exploring indoor trees for your home but aren’t sure where to begin, trust us when we say that the Pachira aquatica is the tree you want. It is virtually kill-proof, relatively tidy, and grows as large (or as small) as you want. They are also pretty much immune to the most common cause of black thumbs: over-watering (hey, we’ve all been there).
Oct 27, 2011
Best Soap Dish Designs: No Puddles. No Melting. No Mess.
Many people are discouraged by the thought of switching to bar soap from their liquid soap pump. Soap dishes make them think of puddles and melting bars of soap. Never fear! These terrific soap dishes are designed to drain, keeping your bar soap dry, and your hands and bathroom counter happy. In addition, they work great for drying sponges and small items like contact lens cases, retainers, toothbrush heads and mouth guards.
Aug 25, 2011
Hot Tip: No More Soap Bits! Rub the Old on the New
Say goodbye to sad, leftover soap pieces. Do this one easy tip, and you’ll never waste good bar soap (and money) again! Functional and efficient, bar soap produces extremely low post-consumer waste and therefore stands heads and shoulders above its bottled liquid counterpart. This tip gives you one more reason to make the switch! Read more for details…Using bar soap eliminates the need for additional plastic bottles in your home.
Aug 23, 2011
Small Space Fireplace & Grill: The Chiminea
I’ve enjoyed chimineas for many years. Their compact size makes them easy to incorporate into almost any space, and I love that you can grill on them, as well as use them for warmth and ambiance. One of their best features? Their characteristic long neck keeps smoke away from your face! Read more for details…Why a Chiminea? Can be used for grilling, warmth or ambiance. Small space friendly for balconies, patios and decks.
Jul 21, 2011
Storage Anyone? Four Ways to Create Faux Built-In Bookcases
Attractive storage solutions in the living room are always a joy. My heart leaps at the sight of built-in shelving. Everyone seems to want them, but not everyone can get them, especially if you rent. Using these tips, create a serious storage solution and the beautiful look of built-in shelving. They’re quick, affordable and eco-friendly. All without hiring a single contractor!
Jun 30, 2011
Retractable Screen Doors: Cool Your Space Without AC!
The United States makes up a fraction of the world’s population, and yet we consume about half the world’s energy. Most of that energy is spent on heating and cooling! Instead of habitually switching on your air conditioner, use screen doors to create cross breeze. These retractable screen doors make it easy, sliding open and close in the tightest of spaces.
Jun 23, 2011
Mini Velo Bikes: Small Bikes that Pack a Punch!
Mini Velo bikes are head turners. Their pint-sized dimension stirs curiosity, and their appearance causes heated style debates. Born out of the necessity of storing bikes in the compact apartments of countries like South Korea, mini velo bikes are now making a quiet debut here in the United States. Read more for details.The concept of the mini velo is simple, a full-sized bike built on the compact 20″ wheels of a folding bike for easy storage.
Apr 19, 2011
Quick Tip #32: How to Smooth Clothing Wrinkles Without an Iron
Every well-run home is teeming with tricks and shortcuts to keep it humming along. We’re sharing our best quick tips — for cleaning, organizing and repairing stuff at home — to save you time and money. Click through for today’s helpful hint, and links to tons more… Hang your garment on a hanger in an open area (shower rods and the tops of door frames work well). Fill a SPRAY BOTTLE with TAP WATER.
Jan 3, 2011
Living and Dining Room Inspiration from our Green Tours
These living and dining rooms do it all. They entertain. They’re good-looking. And best of all, they do it with green elements in mind. These 10 boast that they’re modern, provide storage solutions, are multifunctional, and even swanky and heavenly! But don’t let me wax on, see for yourself, and use these 10 spaces to inspire yours.
Jan 1, 2011
Before & After: Home Organization Makeover
Good, green design is wonderful, but when you live in a cluttered home, it can feel like you can’t see the forest for the trees. This was the case for my friend, Susan, so she asked for my advice on how to organize her living room. In her modestly sized home, the living room is the big multitasker. In it, she runs her small business of bath and body products, does billing, packages her products, does all her online work, exercises, meditates, and watches television. Whew!
Dec 1, 2010
Tray and Container in One: Alessi Fat Tray & Container
The Alessi Fat Tray and Container is double the fun and function. The top is a tray; the bottom is a container that holds everything from cups and plates, to teabags and snacks. This versatile tray works great beyond the kitchen and dining room. Read more for the skinny.The Alessi Fat Tray and Container is made of bamboo, a renewable resource that’s both biodegradable and beautiful. It’s also multifunctional, giving it long-lasting use in your home.
Nov 22, 2010
80-Pocket Organizer: Hang Away Your Small Clutter
80 -口袋挂组织者是一个很好的解决方法n for sorting small objects, like cuff links, jewelry and the extra buttons that come with every sweater and jacket that always end up in a junk drawer. It’s also great for storing small supplies, like screws and nails, scrap fabric and paper, and ribbon, and it’ll probably last you a lifetime. Read more to find out how the pocket organizer will help you stay on top of small clutter.
Nov 8, 2010
9 Dining Tables That’ll Make Your Mouth Water
Everybody loves a good dining table. Some of the best conversations in the world have been passed over them, from budding romances to brokered power deals. And, dining tables are always the stage for bountiful spreads. Read more for details on the handsome ones featured above.Dining tables are the ultimate multi-taskers in every home. Eating is merely one of the many activities buzzing about them.
Nov 1, 2010
Best Sunscreens: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
夏季可能已经过去,但防晒霜需要穿all year long on key areas like your face, neck, and backs of your hands. What is the best sunscreen? Catchwords like “dry,” “sheer,” “broadband,” and inflated SPF ratings can make shopping for sunscreen dizzying. This post gets down to the knitty gritty essentials of sunscreen to help you sift through all the marketing and find a sunscreen that work’s best for you. Read more for the pros and cons.
Oct 28, 2010
Shampoo Bars: Good-Looking Hair, No Plastic Bottles
You can’t get more streamlined about your hair routine than with shampoo bars. They conserve space in precious bathroom real estate, are long-lasting, have minimal packaging, come in a variety of fragrances, convenient for trave, and are priced affordably. It’s also one less plastic bottle you have to recycle. Read more for information on some shampoo bars that may tickle your fancy.What about those of us with unruly or dry hair? Good news. Some companies make conditioner bars too.
Oct 26, 2010
Second Life: Repurpose Plant Clippings Into Wall Décor
Flowers as gifts are always sweet, but you often wish you could hold onto the sweet sentiment a bit longer. Repurpose the gift into wall décor by pressing flowers, herbs and other plant clippings to savor them long-term. Read more to find out how easy this project is.To do this easy project, use a flower press (see photo 2 in the gallery). Or, use any large and heavy book lying around the house like a telephone book, dictionary, or encyclopedia.Here’s the how-to using a large book:1.
Oct 20, 2010
Breast Defense: Chemicals and the Environment
It’s Breast Cancer Month so it’s time to raise awareness and share information on this far-reaching disease (1 in 8 women). You may already know the classic advice for preventing breast cancer like eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, managing weight, and breast feeding. In addition, it might be wise to adopt another strategy: avoiding environmental toxins. Read more for a quicklist of potential culprits.
Oct 14, 2010
What is BPA, a.k.a. Bisphenol A?
“Bartender, I’ll have a soda. Hold the BPA please.” This is easier said than done. Nearly all Americans have BPA in their bodies because of its widespread use, and while countries like Japan and Canada have taken steps to ban it, America has been lagging. Read more to find out what it is and how you can avoid it.The Skinny Science:BPA, or bisphenol A, is an organic compound with two phenol groups. Manufacturers like it because it is clear and nearly shatterproof.
Oct 7, 2010