Tara Glenn

The 70-Year History of How VA Loans Changed the Way We Buy Homes
For those that don't know much about VA loans, you'll be surprised at how much it has affected the way many Americans live—even today.
Nov 11, 2018
Would You Ever “Rent Blindly?” I Have—4 Times!
In the past seven years, my family and I have been through seven moves. That may seem like a lot, but as a former military spouse and sailor, I can tell you it’s normal for families like mine. You don’t just move—you move quickly: You only get 10 days after you transfer to a new duty station to find a house and move into it. Yeesh! Most of the time, families spend those first days in a hotel (which, thankfully, the military pays for), but I was rarely interested in this option.
May 20, 2018