Color Month

A Vintage Furniture Seller Shows the Power of Pink in His “Barbie Dream Ranch”

Color Month

A Vintage Furniture Seller Shows the Power of Pink in His “Barbie Dream Ranch”

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Searching for the perfect home to buy can feel equally exciting and overwhelming. But some people strike gold immediately.Jonny Carmack, and his partner, Mitchell Pozo, had that enviable experience when looking for their “Barbie Dream ranch” in Danbury, Connecticut.

Credit:Jonny Carmack

“马上,我们自然char的事情感到好奇m that the home offers and the beautiful sprawling pastureland it sits across,”Carmackwrites of their three-bedroom pad. Their home was built in 1890, so they were pleased knowing that the foundation was strong — but some details needed updating.

Credit:Jonny Carmack

The thought of making DIY changes didn’t frighten Carmack. “The home was previously a rental property for a couple living overseas. When we purchased it we had a lot of wear and tear to address and started doing so on the day of closing. The house had mold in the attic, dingy and dirty carpeting throughout, and a crumbling front walkway,” he shares. “Not to mention everything was beige! It had to go. On day one of owning the home, I busted out the pink paint and got to work.”

Credit:Jonny Carmack

After purchasing their dream home, Carmack and Pozo’s biggest challenge was the limited remaining budget to decorate and furnish the space (hence the DIY painting!). But this challenge led to a major reward: the dawn of their vintage furniture brand,Vintage Show Pony.

Credit:Jonny Carmack

With their budget in mind, Carmack scoured estate sales and antique stores all over the tri-state area and then taught himself how to update (and sell!) his fun furniture finds to fit their shared aesthetic, which he describes as “very Barbie meets Miami meets The Golden Girls with a touch of Space Age and Postmodern.”


Credit:Jonny Carmack

Thanks, Jonny!

This tour’s responses and photos were edited for length/size and clarity.
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