Home Projects

Before & After: Jason’s Beautiful Bathroom Remodel

publishedJun 8, 2011
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(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)

The red and white tile, the white laminate vanity, the past-its-prime bathtub and tile… this bathroom needs an update. Enter designer Jason Wong to save the day!

(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)

That after photo is totally inspiring, right? As if replacing the vanity and sink weren’t improvement enough, adding the window to that area really opens up the space (and adds some very appreciated sunlight where it’s needed most – at the mirror). I love how even though Jason chose dark paint colors and tile, the bathroom actually feels larger.

(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)

That perceived increase in the size of the bathroom was also achieved when Jason switched out the bathtub/shower combo with a walk-in shower. I’ve been trying to talk my husband into making the same switch in our bathroom and I may use these photos to support my case. The walk-in shower makes the room feel larger, more open, and, in my opinion, more luxurious.

Check out more photos of Jason’s remodel at his blog:Retrograde: Waters of March.

Images:Jason Wong