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Before & After: Whole Room Transformations

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(图片来源:Design Love Fest)

Here at Apartment Therapy, we love a good before & after. Although many of our before & afters feature down-on-their-luck furniture pieces rescued by enterprising DIYers, some of my favorites are the projects in which a whole room is transformed. Check out some of the best makeovers of 2013.

Save Before and After: Bri Emery’s Living Room Makeover (Image credit: Design Love Fest)" data-gtm-placement="inline" data-gtm-ignore-outbound-link="true" aria-label="Pin It button" class="jsx-1289453721 PinItButton PinItButton--imageActions"> Pin It Enter PrismSee More Images

Nancy Mitchell


As a Senior Writer at Apartment Therapy, Nancy splits her time among looking at beautiful pictures, writing about design, and photographing stylish apartments in and around NYC. It’s not a bad gig.

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