

节省 注释
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在我看来,最好的生日礼物是它的一个t定制(不是Monogram过载的粉丝,通常随之而来的额外成本),看起来礼物赠送者对此进行了体面的思考 - 即使它与点击几个按钮一样简单。当我收到一个出生日本公司蜡烛去年从一个非常甜蜜和周到的朋友,我有一个啊哈!片刻。这是它:神话的单尺寸适合 - 所有这些都仍然感到完全对我量身定制 - 我立刻知道我也会在生日那天嘲笑别人。

有365个独特的蜡烛诞生事业公司网站 - 这是对的,一个为每一个可能的出生日期制作。所有你需要知道的是收件人的生日,你可以通过日期,月或符号搜索相应的蜡烛。然后是最酷的部分:看到蜡烛基于占星术,数字和塔罗牌的混合物对该人说的。每个出生日期蜡烛承诺“解锁你的个性的秘密”,甚至有自己的平静,由大师的香水制作的舒缓香味。(They’re hand-poured in the US and are a blend of soy, coconut, and apricot wax and custom natural fragrance oils.) Even if your recipient isn’t totally into astrology, they’re likely interested in reading about what their day of birth says about their personality. My November 17 candle (save your groans; I’m a proud Scorpio) was a total delight to receive.

On the label affixed to the front of the candle, it stated a few fun things about people born on that day, such as our strengths (I’m modern, valuable, and youthful — why, thank you!) and weaknesses (Martin Scorsese and I share a birthday, so he must be burnt out, blue, and withdrawn, too). On the back label, it takes a much deeper dive into your habits and personality, plus your tarot card, ruling planet, and ruling number. My fragrance was described as having “woodsy and floral notes — a base of mahogany and musk and a top note of bergamot and plum, with a touch of cinnamon. Complexity is necessary for the imaginative, passionate, intense souls born on November 17.” It was the absolute perfect scent for that cold fall day, and I was able to reuse the pretty glass vessel after the candle burned down.

看?全部思考,定制和乐趣,所有在奢侈的蜡烛中,都可以前往几点咔嗒声的途中。这是你最好的朋友的生日吗?你的长期狗沃克?你的阿姨总是责备她的星座上的任何个人缺点吗?嗯,他们所有人都有共同点:他们可能会欣赏他们生日那天的感觉 - 并且与40美元的独特,一周到船上的礼物,他们绝对感受到爱情能够在他们特殊的日子里思考宇宙(以最具建设性的方式)在他们的特殊日子里。


节省 注释