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Bolon Woven Vinyl Floorcovering

updatedJun 6, 2019
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Great for floors outdoor and in.Starting in 1949,Bolon, a Swedish company began manufacturing this vinyl “sisal” for use as kitchen mats. Four years ago it came to the states and has been slowly finding more use both indoor and outdoor as a colorful, durable, easy to clean rug replacement.

Ideal on decks, in summer houses, or in the kitchen (we’ve used it numerous times in hallways and kitchens), Bolon is warm underfoot and a great way to wake up or cover a drab floor. Pricing is very affordable, and it is easily cut down by hand for area coverage or finished against the wall for wall to wall. It requires no mat underneath.

See also its close cousin:Chilewich.

(ReEdited from 2004-04-06 – MGR)