
Book Nook Makeover: There’s Hope for That Unused Corner in Your Home, Too

updatedMay 3, 2019
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(图片来源:Jess Koehler)

Above: A bland, unused corner of a living room. Below: A colorful, dreamy reading nook you could get cozy in for hours reading your favorite novel. Yes —this mini-makeover of a living room’s unused corner turned reading nook is totally intended for kids. But that’s not stopping me from getting inspiration for my own dreamy book nook.

Forget that this corner makeover was intended for kids—I can’t get over how much I would want to hang out and read in this compact corner! It’s not just that cute items were chosen to decorate the space; all the elements were arranged—and work together—creating a space that calls you over.

No matter your age, if you love to read and have an unused corner in your home, use this cute nook to inspire your own book-lovers mini makeover:

(图片来源:Jess Koehler)

Jen Pinkston ofThe Effortless Chicwrites:

This space before was a pretty plain and simple nook that didn’t really serve any real purpose and had absolutely zero personality. Parker was always dragging her toys over there to play, which made me a little nervous around that bookcase, so I decided to get rid of it all together and turn the space into a cozy little reading nook for her.

(图片来源:Jess Koehler)
(图片来源:Jess Koehler)

When we decided to build the space around a gallery wall, I was so excited to finally have an excuse to print and frame some of the photos I’ve been hoarding the last 16 months! We chose three photos and two animal art prints, each with a lot of significance.

(图片来源:Jess Koehler)

A lot of the furniture pieces in Parker’s nursery are from The Land of Nod, so it was the first place I went a-searching when I needed a chair for her nook. I can’t stop obsessing over this chair! Have you ever seen a cuter piece of mini furniture in your whole life?! Parker and her friend Scout were fans!

(图片来源:Jess Koehler)

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