
My Capsule Wardrobe Experiment: Part Two – How I Created My Capsule

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(图片来源:Camille Styles


To Recap


If you want to dig further than that, you’ll find different schools of thought. Some hear “capsule” and think it should only contain classic, timeless pieces, while others believe the number of items is what matters and the style is purely personal. I’m firmly in the latter camp: you’ll find no crisp white button-downs in my closet just because they’re considered “classic” (mainly because I’m a toddler in an 32-year-old’s body, and said top would be covered in sriracha within 3 hours of being purchased).


(图片来源:Into Mind


Since my interest in this idea was piqued initially by Caroline Rector’s不花园,,,,I decided to follow她创建胶囊的公式,至少第一次蝉联。卡洛琳recommends starting with 37 pieces in your wardrobe, including footwear, clothing, and outerwear. Although the proportion for each category is up to you (mine looked different), Caroline’s capsules usually look like this:

  • 9 pairs of shoes
  • 9个底部
  • 15个上衣
  • 2件连衣裙
  • 2夹克/外套

这种创建胶囊的方法确实不是include underwear, workout and lounge wear, accessories, or special occasion/cocktail attire. You can think of each of those categories as mini capsules unto themselves.

The idea is that you’ll wear only these items for a given period of time, until it’s time to take stock, make some considered purchases, and refresh your wardrobe by creating another capsule. Seasonless items you love (jeans, tee shirts, ankle boots) might carry over to every single capsule, and others might span just one or two. Caroline suggests splitting the year into four sections, and refreshing your wardrobe in winter (January-March), spring (April-June), summer (July-September), and fall (October-December), but depending on your need for newness and the climate where you live, you might do fewer.

(图片来源:The Merry Thought


由于我在整个胶囊想法中的主要优先事项是省钱,所以我决定不在all对于我的第一个胶囊。相反,我只是削减了我已经拥有的东西。我度过了一个愉快的一周左右,以便做好很多列表。我发现使用紧身调色板(无论如何在凉爽的月份对我来说更容易)并专注于我已经磨损很多的东西很有帮助。简而言之,我切断了谷壳。并不是很容易 - 我喜欢的东西是我储存的东西,被迫承认,我没有频繁穿它们,因为他们正在占用的壁橱房地产。


(图片来源:Kristen Lubbe

我已经制作了胶囊 - 现在什么?


在一个季节的最后几周,请查看这些笔记,考虑一下您已经磨损了很多东西以及在壁橱里徘徊的东西,然后开始计划下一个胶囊。从预期的天气和旅行计划中考虑接下来的三个月,并列出购物清单。但是,不要忘记创建第一个胶囊时放弃的所有东西 - 您应该购物那里第一的。您几个月来都没有看到这些东西,因此它似乎是如此新颖而令人兴奋,以至于您不需要花很多钱来刷新您的风格。





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