
Casey’s DIY Guest Room

updatedFeb 19, 2019
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(图片来源:Photos by Gina Cristine)

Project by:Casey
Location:Chicago, Illinois

My husband and I purchased a condo in Chicago nine months ago, and we’ve slowly been working to transform every inch of the 1,200 square foot space.

(图片来源:Photos by Gina Cristine)
(图片来源:Photos by Gina Cristine)

Determined to broaden my DIY skills and try out some new power tools. I vowed to makeover our guest room all by myself. I started by DIY’ing a wood wall treatment to create an accent behind the bed. I then painted the entire space in a deep & moody navy (Valspar’s “Dutch Licorice). I installed a new light fixture, and finally I built a floating credenza for extra storage complete with a custom wood top. It took about one month to complete the space, but I am so pleased with how it turned out!

(图片来源:Photos by Gina Cristine)
(图片来源:Photos by Gina Cristine)

I absolutely love the space, but I’m even happier that I was able to gain some confidence and tackle something outside of my comfort zone. Just goes to show that you’re capable of more than you think!

Thanks, Casey!You can see more on Casey’s blogDIY Playbook.

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