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Cheap Summer Fun: 10 Alternative Uses for Your Plastic Kiddie Pool

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We’re pinching our pennies to save up for a down payment on a new home for our family, so I’ve been trying to find some ideas for summer fun on a budget. Of course, there’s the park, climbing trees, and rolling down grassy hills, but sometimes you need something a little extra-ordinary. A friend of mine posted a photo of her little guy playing in his kiddie pool, but instead of being filled with water it was full of corn – genius! It set me to thinking about all of the other ways that one could use one of those cheap plastic baby pools, and I did a little searching. Here are a few of my favorite creative ideas:

(Image credit:Apartment Therapy)


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1.Make giant bubblesby following this tutorial from One Charming Party.
2.Fill it with good old mud and water and “pan for gold”like at this birthday party over on Restless Risa.
3.Fill it with cornand throw in your kid’s favorite trucks and tractors like my friend Tabitha did over on Raising Up Arrows.
4.Make your own bubbly ball pitlike this one over on Small Potatoes.
5. If your little one is adventurousmake your own critter pitlike this one on From Chalkboards to Strollers.


6. For nighttime fun use some submersible LED lights and a black light to远离世界的辉光pitlike this one over on Growing a Jeweled Rose.
7. If your little one is into farms,create your own barnyardlike this one on All for the Boys.
8. For a little “clean” messy fun,fill your pool with shaving creamlike this one over on From Chalkboards to strollers.
9. A kiddie pool canmake a great inexpensive sandboxas shown on What Shall We Do Today? Life as an Air Force Family.
10. Take inspiration from MyPartyPlanner.com anduse your pool to organize an epic water balloon fight.

Have you used your kiddie pool for something other than swimming? We’d love to hear your creative ideas!