Organize & Clean

How to Clean Your Doors & Light Switch Covers

updatedMay 4, 2019
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(图片来源:Shifrah Combiths)

Shifrah‘s here with her progress of the currentWeekend Project:Well, this is embarrassing. As much as I tend to be meticulous abouthouse chores, I confess that I forgot to even include the doors, door knobs, and light switch covers in my cleaning routine! And, as is very evident above, are they ever yucky. Granted we have three small children, but my guess is that everyone’s doors and light switch covers could use a little TLC.

(图片来源:Shifrah Combiths)

It’s amazing what you notice once you really stop to take a look. This weekend project doesn’t take long, and all you need are a rag and an all-purpose cleaner. I used one with citrus in it, which I think really helped dissolve some of the grease in the fingerprints. For the doors, I sprayed my cleaner onto the offending areas and let it sit for a few minutes. When I went to wipe, most everything came off quite easily, with a few areas that required a bit more gentle scrubbing.

(图片来源:Shifrah Combiths)

电灯开关包括我没有直接喷雾。Rather, I sprayed my rag and then went over the plates with a few gentle swipes, once with the switches up and then with them down in order to get every spot.

Bonus:When you’re scrubbing things next to walls—such as light switch covers and doors—you may be tempted to just go ahead and wipe the walls. And thebaseboards! Big thumbs up.Tune in tomorrow for the after!

(图片来源:Sherrie and Oliver)

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