
8 Colorful Sofas That Will Make Your Living Room Anything But Boring

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我们之前已经说过,我们会再说一遍:生活is too short for gray sofas. Sure, people say gray sofas and the like are versatile and always in style, but if they’re notyour风格,然后以多少代价?投资五颜六色的沙发可以使您的空间有个个性。它告诉世界,您不怕风险。即使您是极简主义者,我也可以保证那里有五颜六色的沙发。毕竟,浅蓝色和腮红粉红色基本上是中性的(对吗?)。选择五颜六色的沙发并不一定令人恐惧,并证明我已经继续研究并研究了整个颜色谱的选项。在下面查看它们,并准备将您的房屋转变为完全无钻孔的空间。

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was $1350.00

After years of flirting with the color, I'm ready to say that I am committed to pink. The color has a漫长而令人惊讶的历史, 和it's safe to say that pink has distinguished itself as a fun, yet still neutral, decor option. This sweet and simple天鹅绒沙发from Joss & Main is a good option if you want to dabble in colorful furniture, thanks to its streamlined, mid-century modern design and included bolster pillows. Add white pillows or a throw to make it more minimal, or pair it with a colorful rug to really lean into the eclectic opportunities.


How gorgeous isthis burnt orange sofa来自西榆树?它具有裸露的木架和三个宽敞的座椅,这是一个杰出的选择,完美地结合了复古和现代元素。以典型的西榆树方式,沙发本身有各种各样的颜色,但是如果您想在客厅添加一些非常酷,非常五颜六色的氛围,则沙漠日落选择适合您。更好?篮子slub编织非常耐用,这意味着沙发会持续多年。

was $1350.00

Blue is probably the safest color you can choose when it comes to furniture—it's just as versatile as gray and brown, and will just as easily hide stains. Therefore, if you want a blue sofa that will stand out, you need to pair the color with an interesting silhouette or material. Enterthis sapphire sofa来自Allmodern,具有精致的切斯特菲尔德形状,完全闪闪发光的天鹅绒装饰。它是美丽,戏剧性的,富丽堂皇的,并且是全方位的娱乐场所。最好的部分是它也有翡翠绿色,腮红和浅蓝色,而不是灰色的色调。

was $1625.00

仅仅因为您的沙发上的颜色很大,风格并不意味着它必须不舒服。这个森林绿色选择从卡尔德(Kardiel)看来,它属于一个花哨的房屋,但实际上是在耐用的,耐污渍的聚酯材料中饰有小子和宠物友好的耐污渍的聚酯材料。它也很舒适,有六个枕头,可容纳两个座位 - 据此,它看起来像是一个升级的时尚枕头堡。它也有香料天鹅绒,这是一种温暖的橙色色调,我也强烈推荐,尽管直到9月才能回来。

Marie Burgos Design

如果您要发表声明,就不能比鲜红色的沙发做得更好,尤其是那个很酷的沙发。米洛沙发from designer Marie Burgos comes in a wide range of fabrics, but this red velvet option takes the cake for most eye-catching. Couple it with that curved shape and handcrafted wood frame and you've got a one-of-a-kind piece that you'll love forever. This luxury piece is made to order, so delivery time is about 4-6 weeks, and it's on the very high end when it comes to price.



was $774.99

Purple is my favorite color, so I might be biased, but I think这个天鹅绒沙发from Overstock might be the best of the bunch. Everything from the sloped arms and channel stitching to the deep purple color and velvet upholstery is attention-grabbing, but in the best way possible. It's a perfect refined choice for a moody, dramatic living room—although it'll look just as fun in a light, bright space that needs some grounding. Plus, it comes with two matching accent pillows! All in all, a solid choice.


Yellow is totally underrated when it comes to decor. Love the look of light and airy bedding but hate white? Pop on a yellow duvet cover. Have a dark living room that feels gloomy at all hours? Add a yellow sofa.This option from Apt2B由于金色和额外的侧面填充,非常舒适而诱人。深色的山核桃木基地给它带来了更传统的感觉,而有趣的颜色非常适合营造出悠闲,热情的氛围。