
Coors Light Has Created Its Own Mosquito Trap

publishedJul 30, 2022
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Credit: Image from Flickr memberJames Jordan licensed under Creative Commons License

Summer’s all fun and games until you start getting eaten alive by mosquitos. I came home from a recent trip with no less than 30mosquito bites, regardless of trying all of the creams, scents, and clothing items that claim to keep those pesky blood suckers away.

To help stop these little pests from being a buzzkill this season, Coors Light has come up with a clever contraption so you can instead kill the mosquitoes’ buzz. The beer brand is hoping that everyone can enjoy a backyard beverage in peace thanks to theCoors Light Thirst Trap, a funnel-like attachment that canonlyfit on a can of Coors Light, and is designed to lure mosquitoes into the can with no way out.

Once you’re almost done with your drink, snap on your Coors Light Thirst Trap and only sacrifice a few sips of your delicious brew to the mosquitos. They can enjoy their own Coors Light while you crack open your next one, without the bother of buzzing mosquitoes. Check out the video below to see how it works.

For those looking to enjoy a summer mosquito-free with the Coors Light Thirst Trap, the game-changing device is available for purchase for just $5 at shop.coorslight.com. Coors Light will release a limited number of traps each day at 10 a.m. CST now through Aug. 5.

Still struggling to keep the bugs away? Check out Apartment Therapy’s tried-and-tested methods below.