Organize & Clean

这些Costco Bins Solved My Small Shared Basement Space Problem

publishedJun 12, 2023
We independently select these products—if you buy from one of our links, we may earn a commission. All prices were accurate at the time of publishing.
Credit: Martin Deja / Getty Images

Anyone living in anapartment buildingis acutely aware that shared-space politics is a real thing. And that scenario only gets dicier if you have unregulated spaces, like a basement that can be used for first-come-first-servedstorage. If you’re the type of person who dreads seeing a curt, anonymous note taped to your pile of holiday decorations and furniture, then you’re probably conscious that you can’t take up too much space.

That was my scenario. We have an apartment sheriff that leaves notes on people’s piles when they start taking up more space than is fair. Because I was trying to avoid stepping on anyone’s toes, I decided the best course of action was to take my storage vertically rather than horizontally.

My answer to that dilemma was stocking up on thesestorage bins from Costco. They are much bigger than the ones available in big-box stores, clocking in at 27 gallons. At 30 inches long and 14 inches high, they also ensured I could store a great deal of items in each bin. (If you don’t have a Costco membership, you can also getsimilar ones at Home Depot.)

Credit: Marlen Komar

As any organizational maven will tell you, it doesn’t do you much good if your items are scattered throughout many different boxes across the basement. It’s much easier to consolidate them, so you only have to look in one spot.

These ones are also notoriously thick with a reinforced lid, which ensures they can handle some weight stacked on them. This is important, as I planned tostack four to five boxeson top of one another. And because this is a damp basement, durability was essential to protect the things inside, whether from moisture or wayward pests. Plus, if I had something I worried about being stolen, the lids have holes that allow you to thread a lock through them.

Ibought 10 altogetherand could fit all of my belongings in a tidy six feet of space. (It would probably take up triple that amount if I didn’t use uniform containers!) The system is also easy to navigate. Each box is dedicated to its own category: Heavy and least-used items, such as holiday serving ware and planters, are on the bottom, whereas more fragile and frequently used items go on top, such as retired home decor and holiday ornaments.

These bins turned out to bea simple and functional solutionfor a tricky storage problem.

Buy:HDX 27-Gallon Tough Storage Tote, $10.98 (originally $11.98)