Decluttering Cure

15 Days Is All It Takes to Be Decluttered For Good. The September Sweep Starts Today!

updatedSep 6, 2019
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Credit:Jessica Isaac

公寓疗法的September Sweepis a free 15-day decluttering program, guaranteed to leave you with a lighter, leaner home by the end of the month.Sign up hereso you never miss a lesson, orgo here to view all of the assignments so far.

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Show me a person with *just enough* things, and I’ll show you aliar. Let the person who is without dresser drawers crammed full of sweaters cast the first clothes hanger.

关键是这样的:不管你的个人affinity for stuff—whether you fancy yourself a minimalist or a maximalist—there will always come a harried morning when you think to yourself: Man, I’vegotto go through these cabinets some time.

Good news: That time is now! We’re kicking off the September Sweep today!

The September Sweep is a 15-day decluttering challenge hosted by yours truly (Hi! I’m lifestyle directorTaryn Williford. You may know me from my hits “Hey did y’all hearwhat Harry Styles did?” and “Look, I boughtanother plantforthe loft.”). Each weekday until Sept. 27, I’ll be posting a new assignment in our plan to get your home into better shape. Some days we’ll be doing fast-paced, 20-minute sweeps to get rid of everyday clutter. Other days will be more ambitious, inspiring you to finally dive in and sort through some blind spots where you, readers, have told us you struggle with figuring out what to let go of. And then there’s this part that I like to call “slaying the monster,” which will happen a little at a time, all month long. It’s just one way that we can help you really make an impact on your space.

Credit: Joe Lingeman/Kitchn; Food Stylist: CC Buckley/Kitchn

We’re in our third year of transforming homes with the September Sweep, and I hope your home is next. All you have to do issign up with your email, then dive into the Day One assignment below…

Today’s Assignment:

Figure out where you’re going to set up your three-box drop zone.

Since we’re taking on a slow-but-steady decluttering challenge, you’re going to need a place where you can sort and store all the things you’re getting rid of during the three weeks ahead. So find a spot that’s convenient but out of your way—like the area under your desk, a spot in the garage, or just in a corner somewhere—and that’s big enough to stash three boxes.

How To Declutter With Just 3 Boxes

Your “boxes” can be baskets or garbage bags or whatever you have lying around. All that’s important is that you have three of them, and label them accordingly:

  • “SELL”:This box will ultimately be for items you think have value, just not for you right now.
  • “DONATE”:For things that are in good shape but not worth selling, or things you want to give away to friends or family, or that you can find a better home for.
  • “MAYBES”:We’ll use this box along the way to collect objects you’re not sure about. Maybe it’s something you’re on the fence about tossing, or that doesn’t really have a home in your home just yet.

Once you’ve got your three “boxes” set up and labeled, that’s it for today! Don’t worry about filling up these boxes just yet—we’ll get to that tomorrow.

一个ll month long, we invite you to share your progress here in the comments and on Instagram with the#septembersweephashtag. Or join our一个partment Therapists Facebook groupto start your own conversation.

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