3 Gifts That Are Perfect for Your Newly Engaged Friends

publishedApr 30, 2019
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Credit: Kate Daigneault/Stocksy

It’s finally warm and beautiful out in most parts of the U.S., and engagements, well, they seem to be happening all the time now. (Thanks, sun and social media.) And while you needn’t add another purchase to the mix (bridal showers, wedding expenses, and wedding presents do add up), it can be a truly thoughtful way to congratulate the couple—especially if you’re very close.

But what says congrats without being too expensive or overly saccharine sweet? Here, five gifts that are perfect for a newly engaged couple.

Framebridge Framed Instagram Photo

This one is not only easy, but it’s special and clocks in under $40. If your friend has uploaded an Instagram post to announce his or her engagement, just copy the link, upload it using Framebridge’s Instagram photo uploader, and pick the frame. You can then send it as a gift straight to their home. Adorable.

Engagement Ring Dish

Sweet and simple, this dish is the perfect addition to a dresser or vanity—customize it with the couple’s initials and their engagement date.

Heart Map Print

This unframed map print merges two points of interest (a.k.a. where each person is from) and has a line of customizable text, where you can put their names and engagement date or something else that rings true for them.