Real Estate

Want to Buy Your First Home This Year? 4 Easy To-Do’s to Check Off Your List First

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(图片来源:Lauren Kolyn)

Buying a home is a big financial (and life!) step, and if you’ve never done it before, it can feel overwhelming. Diving straight into the murky waters of mortgage rates and median home prices can be scary, so doing a few little steps can help you rack up some easy wins and put you in a positive homebuyer headspace. Here are four super simple tasks that you can easily check off your list.

Note:If you’re not sureyou’re quite ready to buy yet, you can still walk through these steps. It’ll be good practice, and you’ll feel more confident about the process when the time comes.

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1. Check your credit score

There are many thingsyou’ll need to do financiallyto prepare to buy a house, but this is the most basic first step. Any bank you approach for a mortgage loan is going to pull your credit report to see how much they’re willing to lend you, so you should know what they’re going to see on it. The Federal Trade Commission ensures that all Americans are entitled to a free credit report every 12 months from each of the three major credit bureaus (they’re Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax). You’ll want to look at all of them, since they can have variations.Annualcreditreport.comis the authorized site recommended by the FTC.

2. Pick one real estate listing service and sign up for alerts

Justone—not four, not forty. Don’t overwhelm yourselforyour inbox. Plus, the vast majority of homes for sale are part of the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) database, which is used by nearly every listings site, so you’d just be getting repeats anyway.

Even if you’re not ready to pony up a down payment onThe One, this is still a useful step. You’re seeing what’s out there and getting a feel for your local market, so it’s best to not be too specific in your search query. Be a little loose with your price range or search radius, for example, and don’t check off too many features as must-haves. Plus, looking at houses is the fun part! Have some fun.

Zillow, Estately, Trulia, all will send you new listing emails, or you can sign up with a local real estate office’s website. There are also severalreal estate apps, if that’s more your style.

3. Take a class

While there’s a wealth of information about buying a home available online, taking a class helps you realize what you don’t know you don’t know. After all, you can’t Google a question you haven’t thought of.

Nonprofit offers aHUD-approved online classabout the finances of home buying. It can also be helpful to go local, since each real estate market has its specific quirks. Many local agents and brokerages will host these sort of first timer classes, or you can check with your state’s housing authority or even your local library for more general options. For example, here are several seminars happening in the next few weeksin the Chicago area, aNYC eventat Cooper & Cooper this Saturday February 4, and one that’s taking place in different citiesall over Massachusetts.

4. Brush up on the lingo

This should be covered (at least partially) if you decide to take a class (see #3). But just like any industry, real estate has its own vocabulary. Knowing the terms will boost your confidence that you can talk the talk and (eventually) walk the walk. This can range from theeuphemisms that agents use in listings, to more technical stuff likedifferent mortgage types. Take it slow, and remember that it’s okay to ask for explanations and clarification!

More questions about home buying? Wehave some answers.