
A Bohemian Surfers’ Paradise in France

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(Image credit:Anik Polo)

Name:Marie-Laure DaillutandSébastien Zanella
Location:Hossegor, France
Size:200 square meters
Years lived in:1 year

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In Hossegor, France, surrounded by forests of pine trees and the scent of the nearby ocean, is the spot where you will find the lovely home of Marie-Laure and Sebastien. It’s a creative gem put together by their common passions for nature, surf and the bohemian lifestyleà la francaise.

(Image credit:Anik Polo)

Two artists, Marie-Laure, the creator of the blogLe monde est à Nousand Sebastien, a filmmaker, photographer, and founder/owner ofDesillutionMagazine, have created an amazing home filled with objects, photographs and furniture that they have collected from their travels around the globe or on outings to favorite thrift shops.

一个美丽的海滨度假胜地和冲浪天堂,Hossegor has kept alive the charm of the southwest French traditions while embracing current, hip trends. They are both well-known ambassadors for the region, spreading the good local vibe through their work, ideas and the beautiful photographs they share on Marie-Laure’sblogor in Sebastien’sfilmwork.

They, along with their daughter Jonie and dog Luna, enjoy the quiet wooden house surrounded by a big deck and a pond below. Their decor changes with each season, becoming more cozy in winter, contrasting with the light curtains floating in the breeze during the summer. Their furniture is a mix of new and vintage styled with an eclectic, bohemian touch and a passion for details. On the walls hangs their own artwork along with that of other artist friends. The perfect laid-back atmosphere of this home seems to effortlessly invite and nurture love and creativity.

Apartment Therapy Survey:

Our Style:Bohemian, travelers, global nomads, dreamer, surfer, beach and nature lovers.

Inspiration:The ocean, surfing, travelling, being creative

Favorite Element:Marie-Laure– My studio and my lovely desk, where I spend endless hours working on my blog.

What Friends Say:For us, it’s a continuation of ourselves, it’s our lifestyle, our way of life. But, some of my friends that are used to buying mainly new things are amazed by the cool things we’ve found second-hand.

(Image credit:Anik Polo)

Biggest Embarrassment:The white window frame that is not in harmony with the style of the house. We are planning to buy the house so it will be the first thing that must go.

Proudest DIY:Any and all, really, we have just decorated the place.

Biggest Indulgence:The big Mara Hoffman rug in the living room. I fell in love with it on the internet and it took me a year to find it again and finally buy it.

Best Advice:Build up little by little your decor, don’t buy everything at the same time, fall in love, use your instinct.

Dream Sources:旧货店,跳蚤市场,嗯aus, Anthropologie, Urban Outfitters, traveling….lots!

(Image credit:Anik Polo)
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View of the open living room (Image credit:Anik Polo)

ThanksMarie-Laure&Sébastien!Be sure to follow them both on Instagram, and on their blogs and sites!

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