
Jessica’s Cozy, Layered Georgia Home With Cabin Vibes

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(图片来源:Selena Kirchhoff)

Name:Jessica, her dog, Bhalu, and her cats, Chutney, Norma, and Feynman
地点:Atlanta, Georgia
Size:624 square feet
Years lived in:4 years

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In a small space, it’s important to surround yourself with things that serve a purpose but also have meaning. With a treasure trove of collected items, Jessica’s cozy quarters tell a story from every angle.

Floor plan (Image credit: Jessica Collins)
(图片来源:Selena Kirchhoff)

On a rainy afternoon I meet up with Jessica, a talented local potter and blacksmith, to scope out her studio and home. Referred by Jessica’s friend, I had heard only the highest of praises of this little hidden gem. We ducked through the limbs and leaves of Atlanta’s lush mix of trees to find Jessica’s cabin-like home tucked away over on the west side of town. Warmly welcomed by her dog, Bhalu, and happy to escape the raindrops outside, I sunk right into the warm vibe of the space.

Jessica definitely has a way of homing in on natural details of found items and pairing them with rich, warm textures and fabrics. A Turkish rug as a wall hanging was one of my favorite examples of this knack of hers, and it made the bedroom area warm and well-defined. It’s also not everyday that all of a home’s knives, spoons, and cups were made by the resident! If you’re loving the pieces shown in this tour, definitely check out Jessica’s ceramics atMachine Room Potteryand her blacksmithing atGoat n Hammer.

(图片来源:Jessica Collins)

Apartment Therapy Survey:

My Style:That’s a hard question to answer. I don’t follow rules, and get inspiration from everywhere. This home and the objects in it tell the story of my life.

Inspiration:My grandmother. She decorates her home with great intention and love. Every object in it has a memory associated with it and therefore, nothing in it is frivolous.

Favorite Element:I really enjoy the small size of the place. It’s such a cozy little nest, and perfect for me and my critters. The brick walls are nice too…

Biggest Challenge:Well, as much as I love the small size, the lack of storage can be quite a challenge. For the most part, everything I own is on display. It is important to understand that an object doesn’t have to be either beautiful or functional, it can be both. I always try to keep that in mind when I’m contemplating buying something new for my home.

What Friends Say:I had a friend tell me once that my home felt like a hug. I liked that.

Biggest Embarrassment:So much pet hair! I have a large dog and three cats so I have to vacuum daily to keep it under control. Even then I have to offer a lint roller to guests when they leave. It also means that my friends with allergies can’t come over, which can be frustrating at times.

Proudest DIY:My spoon, knife, and coffee mug collections. I made pretty much all of them. Does that count? Otherwise, my entryway coat rack. It was modified from an old shipping crate that I found in a warehouse on the property where I live.

Biggest Indulgence:Textiles. I love them and have collected them for years. Rugs, blankets, pillows, scarves, and even just scraps of beautiful fabrics bring me great joy.

Best Advice:I heard somewhere a story about a woman who had an heirloom china collection. She never used it because she was terrified of something breaking. Well, something happened and most of it ended up breaking anyway and she always regretted never using it. The moral of the story is, nothing in your home should be too precious to enjoy. If it gets ruined, so what? At least you got to truly enjoy it while you had it.

Dream Sources:Mongolia, a Turkish street market, a flea market in England… I like the things that I own to have a story, so I rarely shop at box stores.


(图片来源:Selena Kirchhoff)


  • Coat rack: DIY
  • White chair: found on the street.
  • Black clay mask: a street market in Oaxaca, Mexico
  • Framed print: flea market
  • Stool: family heirloom
(图片来源:Selena Kirchhoff)


  • Sofa: Goodwill
  • Chest used as coffee table: flea market
  • Colorful rug: yard sale
  • Flokati rug: IKEA
  • Yellow chair: Goodwill
  • Turkey: family heirloom
  • Lamp: IKEA
  • Hanging light fixture: A friend of mine made this and gave it to me. We found the parts for it at a flea market.
(图片来源:Selena Kirchhoff)


  • Table: This was an old wood shop bench from Georgia Tech. I got it at a yard sale.
  • Storage bench: This came with the table. It was built to sit on top of the table as tool storage.
  • Shelf: I’ve had this since childhood.
  • Spice rack: IKEA hack
  • Rug: IKEA
  • Table by stove: a gift
  • Mugs:Machine Room Pottery
  • Knives:Goat n Hammer, Paul Brach Knives, Le Idiót
  • Spoons:Goat n Hammer
(图片来源:Selena Kirchhoff)


  • Headboard: DIY
  • Wall hanging: This is actually a Turkish rug that my mother found when I was a kid.
  • Linen cupboard: This came from a warehouse sale at what was once upon a time a cotton gin factory.
  • Lamps: Goodwill
(图片来源:Selena Kirchhoff)


  • Rug: IKEA
  • Shower curtain: random fabric I had around—the large panel is a window curtain from IKEA, and the smaller crochet piece I salvaged from some old linens that I found at a thrift store.
  • 高大的书架:宜家

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Thanks, Jessica!