
An Interior Designer’s Beautifully Simple Barcelona Abode

updatedApr 30, 2019

An Interior Designer’s Beautifully Simple Barcelona Abode

updatedApr 30, 2019
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Name:Mery Garriga
Size:645 square feet
Years lived in:1 year, renting

“Less is more” was the phrase Mies Van Der Rohe used to define a design ideal. It’s also the philosophyMery, a Barcelona-based interior designer, focuses on in both her design business and her life at home. Soft colors, simple furniture and small details mark her style, and her home is the perfect showcase of her skills at elegant simplicity.

For her, a beautiful home is one with great natural light…and not a whole lot of stuff. She also believe choosing the right color palette is key to designing a successful space. White dominates in her apartment, with touches of gray and blush, and a few hints of black. Together, they create the perfect base for the minimal atmosphere she was aiming for. And though the space isn’t huge, the high ceilings and big windows make her home feel much bigger than it is.

Apartment Therapy Survey:

My Style:Minimal. I like simplicity, clean and empty spaces with natural light and some winks to classic design.

Inspiration:Pinterest, love to share my ideas, inspiration and everything on there. Magazines, Milan design fair…

Favorite Element:The parentesi lamp by Flos.

Biggest Challenge:I like empty spaces, but it’s inevitable that things accumulate… so having a minimal house without too many things is a really big challenge!!

What Friends Say:They said it looks just like me.

Biggest Embarrassment:The boiler. Hate it! And the visible electrical appliances.

Biggest Indulgence:The natural light all around the space, especially in summer time.

Best Advice:Don’t mix too many styles. Find yours and keep it simple.

Dream Sources:Frama, menu…


Sofa — made by a upholsterer on Poble Nou namedMiki Beumala
Parentesi Lamp —Flos
Bench tailor made
Drawer and shelves —Ikea
Cesca Lamp —Marcet
Calendar —Congo studio
Some memories and post cards

All the furniture — fromIkea
Shelves —Ferro bcn
Desenio prints, calendar — my friend AlejandraThe Hanging Plants

Custom-made shelves —House Doctor
Kitchenware —broste, Ikea,natura

Wardrobe and dresser —Ikea
Lamp —Norman Cophenage
Bench tailor made
Linens —H & M
Side table and deco —Ferro bcn
Posters — Desenio,Alicia Macias

Natura Casa
Soaps —Aesop

Thanks, Mery!

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