
KonMari Meets Fisher-Price in Minneapolis

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Daci and her husband have owned this 900-square-foot Minneapolis house for five years. They live here with their young daughter Dalia and sweet pup Ike. (Image credit:Emma Fiala)

Name:Daci, Yoni, Dalia and Ike
Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota
Size:900 square feet
Years lived in:5 years, owned

When Daci and her husband moved across the country to Minnesota, they found themselves in a small house in a neighborhood of other small houses in south Minneapolis. As their family has grown, they’ve managed to keep their 900-square-foot home both functional and fun, even with the usual challenges that accompany small spaces.

Daci is a rearranger. I’m sure her home looked noticeably different mere days after I left…as I’m sure it looked a bit different only days before I arrived. A minimal amount of furniture and simple storage solutions creates the ability to have a flexible floor plan and style, which Daci enjoys. Being flexible with your furnishings is a realistic way to live, especially with a toddler and a dog. One of my favorite takeaways from Daci and the wisdom she has gained maintaining her home: “Match your furniture to your dog’s fur.”

Apartment Therapy Survey:

Our Style:Marie Kondo with a shopping problem (and a toddler)

Inspiration:Local craft fairs, travel

Favorite Element:The dark wood and glass doorknobs. We bought our home at the height of the “all white everything” trend, and I swore I was going to paint everything white. Our realtor looked at me like I was insane, so, wood it was. Thankfully, I grew to love it. I remember making a Pinterest board called “wood.” I found two images on all of Pinterest.

Biggest Challenge:处理大量的玩具。这是其中之一parenting battles you see all across the internet—should you let Fisher-Price take over your house, or hold onto your personal style? I prefer to keep the toys contained, so I look for storage wherever I can.

What Friends Say:“Wait, wasn’t that [insert piece of furniture] over there yesterday?”

Biggest Embarrassment:When we moved in, we ripped up the carpet and found salvageable hardwood floors. Our neighbors told us refinishing floors was simple, so we rented a sander. My husband caught the floor on fire, oh, two minutes into the project. We had wavy floors for four years until we could get them redone professionally.

Proudest DIY:These are all on behalf of my husband because DIYing is not my thing. But I think he would either say finishing our bathroom renovation after our contractor skipped town, or putting dinosaur wallpaper in our daughter’s closet.

Biggest Indulgence:Candles! My favorite is Voluspa Mokara and I tell myself they aren’t that expensive because I reuse the glass.

Best Advice:Match your furniture to your dog’s fur. Buy as many pieces of furniture with storage as you can.

Dream Sources:I would love one of those beautiful couches that’s always under a tree in an Anthropologie catalog. But really, one day I would just like to buy furniture I don’t have to put together myself.


Pata Pillow —CB2
Dream Pillow —CB2
Throw pillows — Target, Ikea
Couch — Ikea
Hemnes TV console — Ikea
Frames — Ikea
Wooden hello sign — Oh Deer
Lamp — Target
Large gold Frame — vintage

Table — family heirloom
Bench —Target
Rug —Target

Basket on top of refrigerator — Target

Bed — Ikea, Hemnes
Dresser — Ikea, Hemnes
Nightstand — Ikea

Thanks, Daci!

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