
An Artist’s Lovely, “Less Is More” Lisbon Loft

updatedJul 10, 2019

An Artist’s Lovely, “Less Is More” Lisbon Loft

updatedJul 10, 2019
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Name:Antje Weber
Location:Alfama — Lisbon, Portugal
Size:700 square feet
Years lived in:3 years

这套两居室公寓占据前两名floors of a four-story building in the heart of Lisbon’s historic Alfama district. With views to the Pantheon and — from the bedrooms — across to the river Tejo, the apartment is filled with the beautiful light that Lisbon is so famous for. And it’s the light that first drew homeowner, German-born artistAntje Weber, to this space.

The open-plan living-dining-studio, with its vaulted ceiling, is higher than it is wide and is filled with light at all times of day. Furnished with only smaller items of furniture — a couple of armchairs, a table that fits snugly into a corner by the stairs — it leaves space for Antje to use the floor as her studio when she is creating her works of art.

The decor throughout is simple and clean; the white walls, restricted color palette and minimal furniture allowing the carefully curated pieces on display to be appreciated fully. Each piece tells a story, from Antje’s paintings to the quirky upcycled pieces such as the bedside table made from a flea market find, the wall-hung vase crafted from a light bulb or the unique lights made from old taps by her son Justus. Antje says, “Objects get their value not by being bought but by being created, repaired, handled; the value is in the relationship.”

Apartment Therapy Survey:

My Style:Fresh and original; less is more.

Inspiration:I find inspiration everywhere, in the everyday — in life, nature, the city, people, surfaces. It’s important that everything in my home tells a story and at the same time is functional.

Favorite Element:The light and sense of space; although it’s a traditional Portuguese house it has the light of a modern house. Oh, and my bed…

Biggest Challenge:What’s hardest for me is to limit myself — you have to learn to let go as you get older. I love things but hate clutter, so it’s a constant process of letting go. I give things to people who need them, or integrate them into a piece of art, and I like things to live on. I have to choose things carefully as I need freedom and space and white walls in order to create.

What Friends Say:They love it. Although it’s empty, it’s cosy and has a lovely welcoming feeling.

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Biggest Embarrassment:The yellow floor… one day perhaps I’ll change it. I’d love to sand the floorboards and wash them in pale grey.

Proudest DIY:I love all of the things I’ve made, such as the coffee tables from old sieves and legs from wood from wine barrels and old rolling pins. It’s all about seeing things as they are and also as they might be.

Biggest Indulgence:My bed! Sleep is so important for quality of life, it’s worth investing in a great quality mattress and bedding.

Best Advice:Don’t be a slave to your style. Love your home and the things in it, but learn to separate from them too; throw yourself fully into things but if they don’t work let them go (this applies with people too…)

Dream Sources:I love to visit Lisbon’s Feira da Ladra every Saturday morning, where I think about how I can use and reuse items — but I really believe that things find me. You fall in love with an object because it touches you, because it’s unique.

Thanks, Antje!

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