Organize & Clean

How To Hang 30′ Of Curtains For $40

updatedMay 9, 2019
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(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)
(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)

Our loft is a giant square with the living area in the middle. Around the edges live our bedroom area, kitchen area, dining area and studio spaces. Instead of curtaining off the actual windows in the loft (which would prohibit us from enjoying the light when we are in our working areas) we installed curtains from the main support beams that corner off the middle space.

Materials Used:
6- White Flat Sheets (Walmart)
5- Bags 14/ea Cafe Clips (Kmart)
2 - 60磅T扣(选择所需的大小eight of the fabric)
4- Medium Sized Eye Hooks (Ace)
2- Small S Hooks (Ace)
1- Roll Picture Hanging Wire (Ace)

We ended up using sheets because no additional sewing was needed and to be quite honest, even with sales coupons, we couldn’t find fabric cheaper than the sheets. We have had water damage recently in our loft and because of this, we didn’t want to go with pristine fabrics that would have to be replaced later on in case the damage occurred again.

Each wire had one end that tied directly to the eye hook. The other end was tied to a T Buckle which was then hooked to an eye hook, using an S hook. Check out the close up picture above if that sounds confusing. We found picture wire to hold strong without kinking and gave us the ability to tighten the line with the T Buckle easily.

We had planned on making the curtains have a colored stripe along the bottom although our two dogs seem to enjoy running under it, so the jury is still out on that one. There might be screen printing or block printing done later on down the road, but for now we’re enjoying the crisp white background against our studio, kitchen and dining areas behind them. They’ve held up to many an opening and closing thus far and we’re quite pleased with our economical solution to our problem!

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(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)

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(Originally published 5.11.09 – JL)