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How To Make Your Own Tassels

updatedApr 15, 2019
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(图片来源:Ashley Poskin)

Tassels are a great way to add color and texture to absolutely anything. Beautiful additions to gift wrap, home decor, and fashion —they are a project you should absolutely add to your DIY repertoire.

Tassels can be made out of an array of materials, from silk and wool yarns to basic cotton embroidery threads. While there are a number of ways you can construct a tassel, we chose a basic method you can use on any material.

What You Need


  • Yarn or Thread
  • Scissors
(图片来源:Ashley Poskin)


1.If using embroidery thread:Remove the paper tags and cut a piece of thread from the tail approximately 12″ in length.

If using yarnor material that is not wound in the same way embroidery thread is wound: Cut a piece of cardboard double the size of the length you desire your tassel to be. Wrap your material around the cardboard 20 times (adjust dependent on the desired thickness of tassel) and carefully remove the wrapped material from the cardboard so it maintains the oval shape. Cut a piece of thread from the tail approximately 12″ in length.

(图片来源:Ashley Poskin)

2. Cut the 12″ string in half.

(图片来源:Ashley Poskin)

3.发现伤口线程和t的中间点ie one of the 6″ lengths of string in a double knot around the middle.

(图片来源:Ashley Poskin)

4. Fold the thread in half over the knotted string. Be sure not to clip the two tails— you’ll use them to attach the tassel once you’re finished.

(图片来源:Ashley Poskin)

5. Tie the remaining 6″ string around top of the tassel. The tail from the string should easily blend in to the rest of the tassel. Trim the bottom loop of the tassel to the length you desire.

(图片来源:Ashley Poskin)

Making tassels can be quite addictive so be prepared with lots of materials should you decide to venture down the path! Try them on baskets, shoes, or other random household decor —you’ll be surprised at how just a tiny bit of color and texture will transform the look of your old items.

(图片来源:Ashley Poskin)

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Edited from an original post by Abby Stone published on May 23, 2008