Organize & Clean

Organizing Zen: How to Organize Your Under-Sink Cabinet

publishedJun 20, 2017
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Shira Gill believes that “less is more” and that a tidy, organized home can leadto a simplified, happier life. Through years of helping people edit, organize and style their homes, Shira has learned what works and how to approach the process—and she’s sharing some of her best tips with Apartment Therapy.

Has your under-sink storage area become a cluttered, disorganized mess? Follow these simple steps to transform this hard-working space into a streamlined area where you can easily find what you need.

One: Prep

Start by removingallof the items hiding under the sink. (You can lay an old sheet on the floor or any large surface as a staging area). Make sure to wipe down the surface well because this area can often get sticky from product residue. Make sure to set up a bin for trash and another for recycling.

Two: Edit

Take time to review each item, keeping only what you actuallyuse.Most beauty products expire within six months to one year so you should also make sure to toss anything that’s out of date. Tip: When in doubt, toss anything that has changed in scent, color, or texture.

Three: Organize

Now that you have thoroughly edited your belongings, separate everything you want to keep into broad categories (i.e hair products, makeup, paper products, etc.) You will also want to relocate any stray items that don’t belong in your bathroom. If your storage space is limited, it’s best to reserve your under-sink area for storing products (you actually use) and everyday essentials. Sheets, towels and other household items can be relocated to another storage area to help maximize space.

Pro tip:Vitamins and medications should be stored in a cool, dry place, so make sure to relocate themoutof the bathroom.

Four: Store

现在您已经分组你的美ngings by category, you can take an easy inventory of what you need to efficiently store everything back under your sink. This area can be challenging because of those pesky pipes. A few things I like to invest in when setting up an under-sink cabinet:

1. Over-the-door caddies for storing hairdryers and other bulky hair tools.

2. Attractive, stackable bins to help organize and store products by category and maximize vertical space. Make sure your bins are made from materials that can be wiped down easily, since products can leak and bathrooms are a magnet for moisture.

3. A storage system with pull-out drawers can help ensure easy access for your daily beauty essentials, nail products, cosmetics, and cleaning supplies.

Make sure to use what you already have, (other household bins can be easily repurposed for bathroom storage) and buy only the items you really need.

Five: Set Up + Style

Before you set everything up, make sure to consider how frequently you use each item. Everyday essentials should be stored front and center for easy access. Less frequently used or back up products can be stored in labeled bins so you can find them when you need them.

This high-traffic area may be concealed from others, but you still have to look at it every day. Why not put in a little added effort to make it a pretty and organized space?

Shira is the founder ofShira Gill Home. She is passionate about helping individuals and families learn how to live well with less stuff. Hercompany提供全方位的家庭组织和样式,as well as online resources and inspiration to help you design a clutter-free life. For information, free worksheets, and organizing resources, please Shira on Instagram@shiragillfor weekly tips and inspiration.