Organize & Clean

How To: Remove Privacy Film

updatedMay 8, 2019
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We spent the better part of the holiday season getting our apartment ready for a big move next month. The first item on our to-do–removing the privacy film from the bedroom windows. But before doing anything, we headed over to Home Depot to pick up the supplies for making this project a success.

(图片来源:Apartment Therapy)

We spoke to a few folks at Home Depot and they all recommended Goo Gone and a glass scraper. We also picked up some Steel Wool while we were there (which was initially for cleaning the stove) and some heavy duty scouring pads. When we got home, we peeled the privacy film off of the first window. While the film came off with relative ease, the sticky glue didn’t budge. After a coat of Goo Gone we got to work scrubbing with a green scouring pad and attempted to remove the remaining glue with the glass scraper. Because this process was taking quite a while (not to mention a ton of elbow grease) we decided to try our luck with a Steel Wool pad. Using grade #3, we tested a small bottom corner of the window to make sure it wasn’t going to scratch. After seeing that there were no marks or lines, we finished the project rather quickly using just the Steel Wool and Goo Gone. Just don’t forget to wear gloves (which we wish we’d thought to do).


(Images: Beth Zeigler)