
Ikea Hack of the Year: World’s Best Hamster Cage

updatedMay 8, 2019
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We followed IkeaHacker’s annual Hack of the Year contest with bated breath, but it was obvious from the get-go that Martina’s fabulous hamster habitat was a crowd favorite. Congratulations, Martina… and congratulations also to Sonic, the lucky inhabitant!

IkeaHacker recently announced the contest winner, decided by reader voting,here. What makes this an exemplary hack is that it represents the true spirit of hacking: creating something brand-new out of necessity. In this case, Martina found that traditional hamster cages were unattractive and, more important, didn’t offer the amount of space recommended by animal rights organizations.

Martina used a second-hand Expedit bookcase as the foundation for this project. After modifying the five-by-five cube unit down to a three-by-five unit, she added two sets of Capita feet to raise the unit and give it a floating appearance.

Get more detailed instructions on how Martina further customized this habitat atIkeaHacker.

See all the contest entrieshere.

(Images: IkeaHacker)