
Investigating Decor Styles: Eclectic Collector

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(Image credit:Marcia Prentice)

Did our style quiz return your results as Eclectic Collector? Welcome. Here’s a primer on you! Didn’t take the quiz yet? Get it righthere.

Who you are

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You love all kinds of oddities and interesting details and textures. You don’t feel the need to match. You also love travel-inspired accessories and you always have your eye out for cool pieces when you’re away from home. If someone described you as “quirky” you would take it as a compliment.

(Image credit:Elizabeth Licata)
(Image credit:Julia Brenner)

How to shop

The thrift store and flea market are your friends. They are the perfect place to find hidden treasures (on the cheap) and experiment with layered looks. Don’t be afraid to mix styles and eras with your furniture and decor. Embrace the worn-in and preserve patina and, most of all, have fun and follow your instincts.

(Image credit:Andie Powers)
(Image credit:Justice Darragh)

Tell us, Eclectic Collectors, how do you get the look?