
Investigating Decor Styles: Warm Industrial

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(Image credit:Bethany Nauert)

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Who you are

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You love lots of open space and neutral colors; tall ceilings are number one on your wish list. You like uncluttered surfaces, simple shapes and smooth materials. Except for your wood — with wood, the knottier and more gnarled the better. You’re fine if things aren’t polished; you like rustic, worn-in and comfortable.

(Image credit:Adrienne Breaux)

How to shop

Stick to mostly neutral colors in shades of grey, taupe and black but don’t let it get boring. Use metals and glass and brick to add lots of interest. Try highlighting tall ceilings with a pendant light. Don’t shy away from showing off interesting architecture or detail. Look for leather that will wear in beautifully and last a lifetime.

(Image credit:Arthur Garcia-Clemente)
(Image credit: Sarah Rainwaiter

Tell us, Warm Industrial decorators, how do you get the look?