
It’s About Time to Master These Life Skills

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(Image credit:Andrea Sparacio)

Around here, we like to give you tips for your home and we also like to talk about living your life. To that end, there are some basic life skills that are easy to identify but can take a lifetime to master. Guess it’s time to get started.

How to feed your body and soul

Your body needs nourishment to stay alive. The kind that comes from food that looks like food, not solely from food that comes out of a package. Your soul needs stimulation to feel alive, too. When you enjoy someone or something so much that time just slips away, that’s you giving your soul a snack. Do more of that.

How to fail

Newsflash: failure is inevitable. How you handle a setback is the real test of your chutzpah. Learning how to avoid getting bogged down by failure will serve you over and over. Work on your bounce-back and you’ll win at failing.

(Image credit:Brittany Purlee)

How to argue

An argument is not the end of the world. In fact, disagreements expose our insecurities, show our strongest feelings and teach us the ways to work with —instead of against — our partners. Think of an argument as an opportunity to quickly learn a lot about the person with whom you’re disagreeing. It’s okay to have a different idea; it’s not okay to discount another’s point of view.

How to forgive

If you only want to have contact with perfect people, then you’ll be pretty lonely. Everyone needs forgiveness once in a while and you can get great at it. One key? You’re not required to forget their misdeed in order to accept mistakes and move past them. A grudge will only take up all YOUR energy so find a way to forgive.

How to learn new things

You can’t know everything, but if you learn how to learn, you’ll always be on top of your game. Think about the way you relate to information. Do you prefer pictures? Does reading through instructions make things clear or do you do best when you explain a concept to someone else? The sooner you figure out your particular process for learning, the sooner you’ll realize that learning something new is doable, not daunting.

So time to tell us: what life skills have helped you time and time again?

Jennifer Hunter


Jennifer spends her days writing and thinking about decor, food and fashion in NYC. Not too shabby.

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