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Location:Mission District, San Francisco
Size:1 br / 1 bath with living and dining rooms converted to bedrooms, about 900 square feet
Years lived in:1/2

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Since relocating from Austin to San Francisco, Jessica has been through a few different iterations of homes. Starting in a200 square foot studio, graduating up to anattic space with low ceilings, and then sharing a single room in an apartment with a roommate, Jessica has finally moved into a large apartment space with a room of her own.

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Since relocating, Jessica has been managing in very small spaces, with uncertainty as to the next place she’d be calling home. Moving into the first larger space in a while, she has found herself in need of larger scale furniture, and more permanent arrangement of her belongings. She’s on her way, with more work to be done, and has been enjoying stretching her arms and legs in a full scale bedroom!

(图片credit:Apartment Therapy)

AT Survey:

My style:Eclectic mix of vintage, scavenged, modern, and sentimental.

Inspiration:I am greatly inspired by the space I’m in. Since I’ve never owned, and have had to work within the constraints of smaller spaces, and spaces with a ton of character (that often can’t be changed) I respond to the places that I’ve lived. I am also inspired by a few friends that have a great deal of style, and my favorite blogs, magazines, and furniture stores.

Favorite Element:My favorite element of my current space is the size of the bedroom. I have been in the situation where I have to keep all of my belongings in a single space, but now I am working towards making my bedroom my own space.

Biggest Challenge:Since I have been living in small spaces that require a lot of creativity, most of my things are stored in small modular containers. I don’t really have any large scale furniture. Because of this, I am battling with the cluttery look of lots of small things in a large space. This will take me a bit of time to adjust, as I need to add some large scale furniture and storage options to my room. In the meantime, I’m constantly mushing things around to find some sort of balance.

What Friends Say:我的朋友会说,他们认为我的房间意图lly reminds them of me–which I love. I would love to have a bit of a cleaner, more minimal looks, but ultimately I want my home to reflect who I am.

Biggest Embarrassment:The clutter. Even though the things that I have are things that I use for art projects, and I feel like are interesting to look at, I need more places to put things away. I’m working on it, but I am have to add some furniture purchases, which take a little time to find (and budget for!)

Proudest DIY:I love my white Queen Anne chair that I repainted and made a new seat for.

Biggest Indulgence:Recently, my Eames plastic molded chair with the eiffel base. I absolutely adore it, and it’s super comfortable!

Best advice:Do what you love. No matter the style or trend that is current, if you surround yourself with things that are important to you, you’ll be happy.

Dream source:Mercury Design Studio in Austin, Room & Board, estate sales

(图片credit:Apartment Therapy)


So many of my belongings are from thrift stores, craigslist, or the side of the road!

The white Queen Anne chair in the kitchen was found on the side of the street, as was the female mannequin. The green desk (which will be refinished soon!) was a Craigslist find, as was the small green dresser. The tall bookshelf is the Billy bookcase and the bed is the Malm bed, both from Ikea. The dining table is my roommate’s, and is from Craigslist. The vintage record player was purchased on Ebay. The rug in the kitchen is from Target.

(图片credit:Apartment Therapy)

(Thanks, Jessica!)

Images: Jessica Tata

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