Organize & Clean

Joanna Gaines Has a Smart Tip For Dealing With Sentimental Clutter

publishedDec 30, 2017
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(Image credit: Courtesy of KILZ)

If one of your resolutions is to declutter in 2018 (ahem, we have aJanuary Curefor that), but you find it hard to let go of the sentimental items, take a page from Fixer Upper star Joanna Gaines’ book.

This week, the designer and mom has been organizing her attic and sharing her progresson Instagram. Besides seeing just how many cake stands and teacups she has (spoiler: a lot) and learning a little about her grandparents, we also notice that she has a smart way of dealing with sentimental items that you might have a bit too much of.

If you find yourself unable to KonMari to the fullest because everything sparks joy, you’re not alone. But take this tip from Jo: While going through her kids’ baby clothes, she kept her favorites and tucked them each in a container with a note, “in case they are sentimental like their mama,” she writes on Insta Stories.

(Image credit: @joannagaines / Instagram)

And remember, it’s up to you what makes you happy enough to keep. Jo found her old cheerleading uniform and sheets from when she was five:

(Image credit: @joannagaines / Instagram)

But decided to keep the sheets, anyway.

(Image credit: @joannagaines / Instagram)

You do you, Jo.