Renovation Diary

The Kitchen Makeover That Began With a Dance Party

updatedJul 18, 2020
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(Image credit: Rebekah & Graeme)
(Image credit: number)

Name:Graeme & Rebekah Molloy
Type of Project:Kitchen Remodel
Location:Chautauqua Park, Des Moines, Iowa
Type of building:1920 Tudor

The Renovation Diaries are a collaboration with our community in which we feature your step by step renovation progress and provide monetary support towards getting it done in style. See all of our Reno Diaries here.

Annnnnnd we’re off! Week one of Rebekah and Graeme’s kitchen remodel is off to a promising start.

From Rebekah & Graeme:

(Image credit: Rebekah & Graeme)

Oh my gosh. We came home to the BEST news. We had originally been told the wall between the kitchen and dining room was load bearing. Although I wanted the ceiling to be seamless, I had come to terms with the idea that we’d be working around a beam. Turns out…it wasn’t load bearing!! I couldn’t believe it. When we came home to see this magic I was nearly in tears, as it makes such a difference already!! We had a mini dance party right away.

(Image credit: Rebekah & Graeme)

As you can see, the hardwood continue all the way under the former wall (which is not surprising) so we are hoping to patch is with other parts of the floor that will be covered by cabinetry. Once we work that wood in, hopefully you won’t even be able to tell there was ever a wall there!

(Image credit: Rebekah & Graeme)

Estimated time for project:3 weeks
Time remaining:2.5 weeks
Percent done:15%

Read Graeme & Rebekah’s full diary series or, check out all of our renovation diaries.