
This Grocery Store is Secretly the Best Place to Get Tiny Plants (and Flowers)

updatedJul 27, 2020
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I’ve been spending more time in my apartment than ever this summer, and one unexpected, but positively delightful, side effect has been that all of a sudden, I’ve become aplant person.Watering, misting, rotating, and just plain watching my little “garden” thrive has brought me a lot of joy, and I’ll take any small victory I can get right now. As my confidence in plant parenting builds, I’ve found myself growing (pun intended) my plant family. My brood is now ten plants strong—and so far, so good.

I haven’t forgotten how much one tiny plant can bring to the table though, literally and figuratively. That’s why, even though I’m on a roll right now with bigger plants like rubber plants, small is still the easiest way to expand your plant universe.

So I was thrilled to discover thatLidl, the value grocery store that feels a little like Trader Joe’s German cousin, has tons oftiny plants (and cut flowers)available for next to nothing. Typically, each plant variety retails for about $2.99 to $3.99, and they’re the perfect size for terrariums, bathroom shelves, or even the kitchen windowsill. I also love using a little succulent to top a stack of books on a coffee or side table.


In the past, I’ve found minisnake plantsand exotic angels at Lidl. This week, however, it looks likemini succulentsare on the docket, along with $12.99orchids in cute painted pots.I’ve been an orchid killer in the past, but at this price, I’m willing to try my luck again.

Different plants and flowers are in stock every week, so it’s a good idea to check back regularly for new varieties—and to buy something you like when you see it, since it’ll likely be gone the next time you’re shopping. To find the store nearest you,visit链主要是集中在东- Coast right now, but Lidl is constantly opening up new locations, so it’s only a matter of time before you have one near you. If you’re already a frequent Lidl shopper, happy stocking up! At these prices, a windowsill jungle is certainly within reach.