
A Playful Home Shows Off the Power of Pops of Color

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Leslie and Gilbert love music, learning, and nature, and wanted to bring all of those things together into their home, a large mid-century modern house in Ann Arbor, Michigan. (Image credit:Diana Paulson)

Name:Leslie and Gilbert, kids, and pets
Location:Ann Arbor, Michigan
Size:2,600 square feet
Years lived in:2 years, owned

Leslie and Gilbert moved to Michigan a couple of years ago and were excited to find a fun mid-century modern house next to some wooded land. They love music, learning, and nature and wanted to be able to bring all of those things together into their home.

“We don’t know much about the history of the house, but we really enjoy the feeling of backyard woods but in a cozy family neighborhood. Through our windows and from our deck, we see deer, foxes, tons of birds, and other creatures.”

Apartment Therapy Survey:

Our Style:We wanted colorful, cozy MCM. It was super important to have a playful and welcoming family feel to our home. It also needs to hold up to our rowdy family and pets.


Favorite Element:The living room, deck, and downstairs with the big windows to the lovely backyard.

Biggest Challenge:Making the home our own after it was renovated in a previous owner’s taste.

What Friends Say:What a great house for parties!

Biggest Embarrassment:The floors aren’t wood, but they do hold up remarkably well to the pets and kids.

Biggest Indulgence:The awesome yellow couch.

Best Advice:Make it home, not a centerpiece.







Thanks, Leslie and Gilbert!

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Diana Paulson


Equipped with an eye for photography and an interior design background, Diana has been blending these two passions to create stunning images for Apartment Therapy.

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