
This Apartment Shows How Light, Mirrors, and Neutral Colors Can Make a Small Space Feel Bigger Than It Is

updatedApr 16, 2020
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Name:Patricia Weberwith 30 plants and 25 crystals
Location:Berlin, Germany
Type of home:Apartment
Size:538 square feet
Years lived in:3 years, renting

my favorite room, the livingroom. Can you tell I love beige

Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there:After living in a tiny studio apartment during my studies, I was finally able to move to a bigger one-bedroom apartment with really nice views of trees, and it was also newly renovated when I moved in. It’s overlooking a cemetery, which makes the area really green and quiet but still close to the city center. It’s not the biggest space, but I love how it turned out, although I don‘t think I will ever be fully done decorating. I just love moving furniture around too much.

DIY art above my couch

你最喜欢的房间是什么,为什么?Definitely my living room. It’s the biggest space of the apartment so I was able to fit a huge couch and dining table and it even has a beautiful (fake) fireplace. I love whites and creams so pretty much everything is really light and I have two huge palms in there as well. I love every single piece in my living room, which is how it should be.

If you could magically change something about your home, what would it be?I would love to do a full renovation of the kitchen. Right now it has quite mismatched cabinets and I’m dreaming of marble countertops and a dishwasher! Oh and I really want a backyard to grow some beautiful hydrangeas.Editor’s note: Since Patricia first submitted her home, it looks like that kitchen reno dream came true!

Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less:Cozy and light crystal haven.

Breakfast Nook

What’s the last thing you bought (or found!) for your home?A marble (of course, I love everything marble) little bistro table for my kitchen. Even though I have a big round dining table, I still have every meal sitting on my couch. Hoping I can change that with my new little breakfast nook. And I can‘t say no to crystals. I have several in every room, even the bathroom.

Which fictional character would be most at home in your place?Probably Monica from “Friends!”! I am very organized and clean. There is no junk drawer in my apartment. “A space for everything and everything in its space” is my motto for a clean and minimal place.

My bedroom featuring my favorite lamp of all time (shell-chandelier)

Any advice for creating a home you love?Don‘t follow every new design trend and create a home for yourself that truly reflects YOUR interests and needs. I love marble, crystals, and mirrors and have several of them in every room. And don‘t forget about lighting. I have 16 lamps in my apartment. I love them for their sculptural beauty. When I was moving in, the movers couldn‘t believe how many lamps and mirrors I have, but they brighten up every space and I can never say no to having a new one. Extra advice I got from a designer friend a few years ago also still applies: Put something black (a side table, a chair, or mirror) in every room. It will ground the space. It really works.

This submission’s responses were edited for length and clarity.