Organize & Clean

One Good Thing – TikTok Edition! The simplehuman cleanstation Opera with Karis

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Credit: Apartment Therapy

Welcome back to One Good Thing for a special TikTok edition with a guest appearance by my colleague, Karis Danish, who is the Boss Lady on every episode we shoot. This week I wanted to share a truly 2021 product – thesimplehuman cleanstation– which is a germaphobe must-have since we all apparently touch our phones 2,617 times per day! This new gadget uses 30 high-intensity UV-C LED lights to blast your phone for 30 seconds, killing 99.9% of all germs, but the fun part is just watching it disappear and return with a gentle chime. Karis loves it. Enjoy!

Best, M

ps. we’re taking a short break over the next month while we gear up for our fall season, but look at TikTok for a few experiments like this. OGT forever!

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In This Episode:

The Top 6 Most Popular OGTs

(I keep changing this each week based on your clicks!)