Organize & Clean

Watch One Pyrex Collector Remove Old Scuff Marks Like Magic

publishedJul 1, 2022
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Credit:Ashley Poskin

Pyrexis an American kitchen classic, but as with all kitchen classics — especially ones that have been in the family for generations — there will be scuff marks, scratches, and all sorts of damage. A simple hack, however, promises to make your decades-old Pyrex look brand new.

Over on Instagram, antiques collector@vintagebarandkitchenhas demonstrated how to restore a scuffed Pyrex bowl using a multi-purpose polish calledPeek. In the video, they first try another method, one with hot water and soap, but it fails. Then, they try the Peek method, wiping the bowl with polish before rinsing it under running water. The result is like magic, the scuff marks having disappeared in an instant.

“This transformation was so satisfying! This was the most scuffed up Pyrex I’ve ever found, and now it looks so shiny and brand new,” said @vintagebarandkitchen.

For those who have never used Peek before, it’s a polishing compound that cleans metals such as chrome, silver, brass, and aluminum, as well as fiberglass and ceramics. It can clean almost any surface, but @vintagebarandkitchen has a few warnings:

“I know there are people who recommend against using Peek on Pyrex because it’s a mild abrasive, but it really does work great to get out marks like these. And the finish is still perfectly glossy!” SeveralAmazon reviewsmention successfully using it on Pyrex, as well.

They added, “please note that these marks are on top of the paint! If there are scratches through the paint, with paint missing, that can’t be fixed, unfortunately.”

People in the comments also suggested products like baking soda, toothpaste, Bar Keepers Friend, and Comet, some of which you might already have at home.