Weekend Projects

30 Home-Refreshing Ideas You Can Tackle in 5 Minutes or Less

updatedMay 3, 2019
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(Image credit:Hannah Puechmarin)

We’re on a mission to do something good for our homes each weekend. Sometimes we have to roll up our sleeves and tackle a dreadful, somewhat thankless task that simply must get done. Other weekends, we do something that feeds the soul for the week ahead. This weekend, rather than a deep-dive in one particular area, we’re going to blitz around our homes and attack a handful of 5-minute tasks.

Turns out you can get a lot done in five (or 10, or 15) minutes.

Apartment TherapyWeekend Projectsis a guided program designed to help you get the happy, healthy home you’ve always wanted, one weekend at a time. Sign up now for email updates so you never miss a lesson.

(Image credit:Emma Fiala)
(Image credit:Apartment Therapy)

This Weekend’s Assignment:

Tackle one (or more!) of these 5-minute tasks.

Pick a few of the tasks below for a weekend refresh that will get something too-long-neglected done, help get you ahead for the upcoming week, or that will simply bring a little more joy into your living space.

Or if you only have time for one (or none) that’s OK, too! You can save this list for later when you’re looking for a quick refresh for your space.

  • Sort through the paper pile on your desk.
  • Cancel that subscription you don’t need anymore.
  • Dust your plants’ leaves.
  • Clear one section of your kitchen counter.
  • Clear another.
  • Go through your refrigerator and toss expired food.
  • Grab a laundry basket and fill it with everything throughout the house that’s not where it belongs.
  • Put those things away.
  • Declutter one cabinet.
  • Declutter one drawer.
  • 补充你的手在何鸿燊的皂use.
  • Shake out your doormats.
  • Clean the inside of your microwave.
  • Put away all the dishes on the dish rack.
  • Dust your computer screens and TV screen.
  • Disinfect remote controls, tablets, and cell phones.
  • Delete unused apps from your phone.
  • Trim your candle wicks.
  • Wipe down your doorknobs and light switch plates.
  • Shine your sink.
  • Forage for flowers or greenery and put them in a vase inside.
  • Replace that burned-out light bulb.
  • Sweep your front porch or back deck.
  • Throw your bathmats in the washer.
  • Sort through your tea collection and toss anything that hasn’t been used in a few years; it’s not going to taste good anymore.
  • Brew some tea for iced tea to enjoy during the week.
  • Chop vegetables for tomorrow night’s dinner.
  • Clean your refrigerator’s water dispenser area.
  • Give your water bottles a good scrub-down with all sizes of bottle brushes to get in every nook and cranny and good soak in a white vinegar solution.
  • Write the thank-you note that keeps nagging at you.

Which tasks did you choose?

(Image credit:Apartment Therapy)

You can catch up with weekend projectsright here.Share your progress with us and others by posting updates and photos on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag#atweekendproject.

Remember: This is about improvement, not perfection. Each week you can either choose to work on the assignment we’ve sent you, or tackle another project you’ve been meaning to get to. It’s also completely okay to skip a weekend if you’re busy or not feeling the assignment.