
Would You Keep These Dressers or Donate Them?

publishedJan 30, 2015
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(图片来源:Kate Legere)

Although I am not participating in the January Cure this year, I have taken on the large responsibility of cleaning out my childhood home and getting it ready for market. It’s been a year-long undertaking and the end is in sight: we have empty rooms, freshly painted white walls, and last week we started moving Mom into her new apartment at a nearby senior living community. We have been successful at purging what we do not need in the new apartment and only holding on to our most favorite things. That said, there are a few things I am having trouble letting go of— like this dresser set that was my Dad’s:

(图片来源:Kate Legere)

The matching bed frame and night table were way past their prime and have already been kicked to the curb, but the two dressers are still in good shape; there are a few dings and scratches, but there are no big damages to report. They are covered in wood veneer, and my Mom remembers my Dad mentioning pecan. They are ridiculously heavy and in my opinion ridiculously ugly, but I am wondering if a fresh coat of paint and some new hardware will make them worth keeping. I currently have the space to store them and I’m hoping that within the next year I’ll have a 2 bedroom apartment with a guest room where these dressers can be used — it’s just a matter of whether we think they are worth holding on to.

So readers, what do you think? If you think they are a potential good DIY, any suggestions? Black, white? Any favorite hardware resources? I’d love to hear your input.