5 Little Ways to Romanticize Your Mornings If You Hate Mornings

publishedAug 10, 2023
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Credit:Erin Derby

I admit that I’m someone who loves toromanticize my life.我完全同意拥抱主干道racter energy, and I like the feeling that comes with fully stepping into my role as the protagonist in my own story. Romanticizing your life is all about infusing a little more beauty and joy into the mundane and turning your everyday experiences intoroutines that you savorand look forward to. While that sounds like a perfectly lovely idea, is therereallya way to luxuriate in dull and tedious tasks that you don’t enjoy?

Case in point: mornings. If the sound of your alarm makes you grumble and hide under the covers, your waking hours may be extra challenging to romanticize. The good news is that you can take small but meaningful steps toward a morning routine you actually like, without doing a complete upheaval. It doesn’t take much to make your mornings a bit more special — even if you’re not quite a morning person.Read on for a few ways to romanticize your waking hours, whether you love mornings or don’t.

Have something in your routine you look forward to.

If your morning routine doesn’t thrill you, take some time to think about adding something you’d enjoy, or perhaps just pinpoint the parts of it you don’t mind. Is it your first sip of coffee? Yourmorning skincare? How about eating breakfast? Once you’ve nailed down the part of your routine you enjoy, sprinkle an extra dose of loveliness on top of it. Perhaps you treat yourself to a new coffee flavored syrup, eat breakfast al fresco, or decide to sip your coffee out of a fancy mug. Whatever you decide, make it something you truly enjoy and that will help you get out of bed.

Credit: Natalie Board/Shutterstock.com

Practice gratitude.

Romanticizing your life doesn’t have to cost much, or anything at all, if you shift your mindset first. When it comes to finding joy in the little things,practicing gratitudeis key. Take time to notice the things you love in your surroundings. Your home, your clothes, your coffee, the trees outside your window — say thank you to every little thing in your life. Marveling at the small things is what romanticizing your life is all about, and practicing gratitude can be the jump-start you need to really convince yourself that your morning routine, and your life, is actually really lovely.

Make a morning playlist.

Nothing switches up my mood more than music. Create a soundtrack for your morning routine, and turn it on while you get ready for the day. Your playlist can include any kind of music that will get you up and going. I personally like leaning into main character energy and getting ready to music that’s part of the opening credits in different movies. I swear, my day always gets off to an incredible start when I get dressed listening to “Dreams” by The Cranberries (which is the song that plays during the iconic opening sequence ofYou’ve Got Mail, naturally).

Upgrade your car interior if you have a commute.

Environments play such a huge role in your overall mood and well-being, so if you have a commute, be sure the interior of your car is a welcoming and calm space. Take some time to remove trash and clutter,vacuum carpets and seats, and wipe down the dashboard. Add personal touches like a car diffuser with a favorite scent, and listen to uplifting music or a podcast while you drive to work. Even the worst of commutes can be something special if you set the right mood.

Credit: Erin Derby

Make your WFH space special.

If your commute looks more like a walk from your kitchen to yourhome office, why not spruce up your space so it’s an environment you can look forward to working in? Wipe down your desk, add some framed photos of loved ones nearby (or some beautiful art), light a candle, andadorn the space with fresh flowers

If the layout of your space (whether you have an entire office or just a corner of a room) just isn’t working, see if there’s a way you can make a small change. Perhaps moving your desk to face a different direction or rearranging a few things will switch things up so you can get work done more efficiently, but more importantly so you can feel more refreshed and at ease. After a romanticized morning routine, entering a workspace that feels cozy and inviting will set you up for a relaxed and ease-filled start to your day.